Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 1505 in D00B

Value list type code (an1..3)

Code specifying a type of value list.

Code Description
1 Non coded list
The list contains a set of non coded values.
2 Date and time list
The list contains a set of dates, dates and times, or times.
3 Coded list
The list contains a set of coded data values.
4 Structure correspondence link
The list contains a set of correspondence links between structures.
5 Structure overlapping link
The list contains a set of overlapping link values between structures.
6 Structure historic link
The list contains a set of historic link values between structures.
7 Structure hierarchical link
The list contains a set of hierarchical link values between structures.
8 Structure group link
The list contains a set of group link values between structures.
9 Multiple hierarchical structure item
The list contains a set of items at multiple hierarchical levels in a structure.
10 Classification domain
The list contains a set of items from a classification domain.
11 Single hierarchical structure item
The list contains a set of items at a single hierarchical level in a structure.