Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 9143 in D00B

Relationship description code (an1..3)

Code specifying a relationship.

Code Description
1 Parent
A code to indicate a parent relationship.
2 Child
A code to indicate a child relationship.
3 Peer, internal
A code to indicate an internal peer relationship.
4 Peer, external
A code to indicate an external peer relationship.
5 Finish to start constraint
A code to indicate a finish to start constraint relationship.
6 Start to start constraint
A code to indicate a start to start constraint relationship.
7 Finish to finish constraint
A code to indicate a finish to finish constraint relationship.
8 Start to finish constraint
A code to indicate a start to finish constraint relationship.
9 Owner
A code to indicate an owner relationship.
10 Contact
A code to indicate a contact relationship.
11 Spouse
A code to indicate a spouse relationship.
12 Sibling
A code to indicate the relationship between brothers and/or sisters.
13 Father
A code to indicate a father relationship.
14 Mother
A code to indicate a mother relationship.
15 Neighbour
A code to indicate a neighbour relationship.
16 Friend
A code to indicate a friend relationship.
17 Guardian
A code to indicate a guardian relationship.