
Message D00B/IFTMCA

Consignment advice message

A message conveying prior notification of a consignment delivery, including non-hazardous and hazardous consignment details, for subsequent shipment and/or consolidation, or conveying a consignment advice for insurance from the party issuing a transport instruction or from the party issuing a transport contract to the insurer and/or the insurance intermediary. The message can also be used to confirm evidence of insurance, issued by the insurer to the shipper, bank or other third party (insurance certificate or policy).

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Consignment advice message is IFTMCA. Note: Consignment advice messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IFTMCA 0052 D 0054 00B 0051 UN


M(1) : Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number and type of the message.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department to whom communication should be directed.


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate a date and time applying to the whole message, e.g. date and time of document issue.


C(99) : Monetary amount

A segment to indicate a monetary value for entire consignment e.g. insured value, invoice amount etc.


C(99) : Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information, such as status of transport, remarks to be printed on the transport documents (where required), consignment remarks, insurance instructions, etc., or any other additional information.


C(9) : Control total

A segment to specify totals for a consignment.


C(9) : Document/message details

A segment to indicate the number of document copies required (such as the number of ocean Bill of Lading copies needed by the customer).


C(9) : Percentage details

A segment to indicate a percentage for the entire consignment, e.g. the percentage of the total sum insured that is certified by the message.

SG1 C(99) : LOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify locations and related date(s)/time(s) which apply to the entire message, e.g. place of transshipment.


M(1) : Place/location identification

A segment to identify a location applying to the entire message.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) relating to the location.

SG2 C(2) : TOD-LOC

A group of segments to specify terms of delivery and related locations.


M(1) : Terms of delivery or transport

A segment to specify the applicable terms of delivery.


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to specify a location related to the terms of delivery.

SG3 C(99) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments containing a reference and constants which apply to the entire message.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message such as: the document/message number that is to be updated by this message (according to the Message Function data element in the Beginning of Message segment), booking reference, order number, insurance contract, etc.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.


A group of segments to identify customs and other governmental procedures and required documents.


M(1) : Governmental requirements

A segment to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transport of the goods.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time related to documents and/or Customs and/or governmental procedures for the consignment (e.g. date of issuing of Customs document, expiration date of Customs document, etc.).


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to specify locations associated with Customs and/or governmental procedures for the consignment (e.g. Customs office of exit, Customs office of destination, etc.).


C(9) : Seal number

A segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the Customs procedure and/or Customs document for the consignment.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to provide supplementary governmental requirements information.

SG5 C(9) : DOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify required documents by government.


M(1) : Document/message details

A segment to indicate a document required by government.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the date/time related to the required document.


A group of segments to specify charge calculations associated with the transport, e.g. insurance premium calculation.


M(1) : Transport charge/rate calculations

A segment to specify a charge associated with the transport.


C(9) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify a monetary amount, such as insurance premium.


C(1) : Percentage details

A segment to specify a percentage, such as insurance premium rate.


A group of segments to specify insurance cover applying to the entire consignment.


M(1) : Insurance cover description

A segment to specify an insurance cover.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify special covers or to provide cover extensions or restrictions.

SG8 M(99) : TDT-DTM-SG9-SG10-SG11-SG12

A group of segments to indicate details of the movement of goods such as mode and means of transport, locations, departure and arrival date(s) and time(s).


M(1) : Details of transport

A segment to indicate information related to a certain stage of the transport, such as mode, means and carrier.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate departure/arrival date and time.

SG9 C(99) : LOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify a location and date/time related to this leg of transport.


M(1) : Place/location identification

A segment to indicate a location such as origin, destination, stop off, etc. related to this leg of transport.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify a date/time related to the location, such as arrival date/time of a means of transport at a specific location.

SG10 C(9) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments to specify an additional reference related to the stage of the transport.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to specify the additional reference.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to identify date and time relating to the reference.

SG11 C(99) : TCC-MOA-PCD

A group of segments to specify charge calculations related to the stage of the transport, e.g. insurance premium calculation.


M(1) : Transport charge/rate calculations

A segment to specify charge.


C(9) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify a monetary amount, such as insurance premium.


C(1) : Percentage details

A segment to indicate a percentage, such as insurance premium rate.

SG12 C(99) : ICD-DTM-FTX

A group of segments to specify insurance cover applying to the stage of the transport.


M(1) : Insurance cover description

A segment to specify an insurance cover.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify special covers or to provide cover extensions or restrictions.

SG13 M(99) : NAD-LOC-PCD-SG14-SG15-SG16

A group of segments to identify a party, related references, locations contacts, required documents, and charges to be paid by the party.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to identify the party's name, address and function.


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to indicate location where a specific function will be performed.


C(1) : Percentage details

A segment to specify a percentage related to the party, such as the underwriter's risk share.

SG14 C(9) : CTA-COM

A group of segments identifying a contact and its communications related to the party.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department within a party.


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed.

SG15 C(9) : DOC-DTM

A group of segments to identify required documents.


M(1) : Document/message details

A segment to identify a document required of, by or for the party.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to identify date and time relating to the document.

SG16 C(9) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments to specify a reference related to the party.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to identify a reference used by a party.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.


SG19-SG20-SG21-SG22-SG23-SG24-SG26-SG28-SG30- SG31-SG32 A group of segments to describe the goods item for which transport is undertaken.


M(1) : Goods item details

A segment to identify a goods item for which transport is undertaken. A goods item can be identified by up to three levels of packaging.


C(1) : Handling instructions

A segment to specify handling instructions relating to the goods item.


C(1) : Temperature

A segment to specify a temperature setting for a goods item.


C(1) : Range details

A segment to specify a temperature range setting for a goods item.


C(1) : Transport movement details

A segment to specify transport movement details for a goods item.


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to specify a country associated with a goods item, such as country of origin, or country of destination.


C(9) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify a monetary amount associated with a goods item, such as insured value, FOB value, etc.


C(9) : Additional product id

A segment to specify article numbers.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the goods item.

SG18 C(9) : NAD-DTM

A group of segments to identify different places of collection and/or delivery for the goods item.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to specify an address of a place of collection or delivery for a goods item.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to the place of collection or delivery.


C(9) : Nature of cargo

A segment to describe the nature of cargo.

SG19 C(99) : MEA-EQN

A group of segments to specify measurements applicable to a goods item.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a goods item.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.

SG20 C(99) : DIM-EQN

A group of segments to specify dimensions applicable to a goods item.


M(1) : Dimensions

To specify dimensions applicable to a goods item.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given dimension applies.

SG21 C(9) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments to identify references to a goods item.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to identify a reference to a goods item.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.


A group of segments to specify marks and numbers of a goods item.


M(1) : Package identification

A segment to specify marks and numbers of a goods item.


C(1) : Reference

A segment to identify a reference relating to the marks and numbers.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to identify date and time of the reference.

SG23 C(9) : DOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify documents and associated date(s) and time(s) for a goods item.


M(1) : Document/message details

A segment to specify a document prepared for a goods item.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to associate date and time with the prepared document.


A group of segments to identify Customs and other governmental procedures and required documents relating to the goods item.


M(1) : Governmental requirements

A segment to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transport of the goods item.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to documents and/or Customs and/or governmental procedures for the goods item.


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to specify locations associated with Customs and/or governmental procedures.


C(9) : Seal number

A segment to identify seals and seal issuer associated with the Customs procedure and/or Customs document for the goods item.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to provide additional governmental requirements information for the goods item.

SG25 C(9) : DOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify required documents by government for the goods item.


M(1) : Document/message details

A segment to identify a document required by government.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the date/time related to the required document.

SG26 C(9) : TPL-SG27

A group of segments to identify transport details and associated measurements for a goods item. This group may be repeated to indicate the different phases of the movement.


M(1) : Transport placement

A segment to identify transport details for a goods item.

SG27 C(9) : MEA-EQN

A group of segments to identify measurements.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify the distribution of a goods item among the transport details.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.

SG28 C(999) : SGP-SG29

A group of segments to specify the distribution of a goods item among the transport equipment.


M(1) : Split goods placement

A segment to identify the equipment in which goods are transported.

SG29 C(9) : MEA-EQN

A group of segments to identify measurements.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements of that portion of goods item in the equipment.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.

SG30 C(99) : TCC-MOA-PCD

A group of segments to specify charge calculations associated with the goods items, eg. insurance premium calculation.


M(1) : Transport charge/rate calculations

A segment to specify a charge.


C(9) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify a monetary amount, such as insurance premium.


C(1) : Percentage details

A segment to indicate a percentage, such as insurance premium rate.


A group of segments to specify insurance cover related to the goods item.


M(1) : Insurance cover description

A segment to specify insurance cover.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate the release date of the terms and conditions of insurance cover.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify special covers or to provide cover extensions or restrictions.

SG32 C(9) : DGS-FTX-SG33-SG34-SG35

A group of segments to specify dangerous goods details related to the goods item. One goods item may be in different dangerous goods classes.


M(1) : Dangerous goods

A segment to indicate the class of dangerous goods, packing group, etc.


C(99) : Free text

A segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name and to specify any additional dangerous goods information.

SG33 C(9) : CTA-COM

A group of segments to identify a contact to whom communication regarding the dangerous goods can be directed.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department.


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department.

SG34 C(9) : MEA-EQN

A group of segments to identify dangerous goods measurements.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements of the dangerous goods.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.

SG35 C(999) : SGP-SG36

A group of segments to specify the distribution of the dangerous goods among the transport equipment.


M(1) : Split goods placement

A segment to identify the equipment in which the dangerous goods are transported.

SG36 C(9) : MEA-EQN

A group of segments to identify dangerous goods measurements.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements of that portion of the dangerous goods in the equipment.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.


A group of segments to specify equipment in which goods are transported.


M(1) : Equipment details

A segment to specify equipment, and equipment size and type used in the transport.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of pieces of equipment required.


C(1) : Transport movement details

A segment to specify transport movement details for the equipment.


C(9) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, associated with the equipment, such as weight.


C(9) : Dimensions

A segment to specify dimensions applicable to equipment.


C(99) : Seal number

A segment to identify seal and seal issuer associated with the equipment.


C(9) : Transport placement

A segment to identify transport details for the equipment.


C(1) : Handling instructions

A segment to specify handling instructions for specified equipment.


C(1) : Temperature

A segment to indicate a temperature setting for the equipment.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with the equipment.

SG38 C(9) : NAD-DTM-SG39

A group of segments to identify different equipment pick-up or drop-off places.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to specify a pick-up or drop-off address.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and time relating to pick-up or drop-off.

SG39 C(9) : CTA-COM

A group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to specify a contact name associated with a specified equipment positioning or collection address.


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to specify a communication number related to the contact.

SG40 C(99) : EQA-EQN

A group of segments to specify the attached equipment and related number of pieces.


M(1) : Attached equipment

A segment to identify attached or related equipment such as a chassis attached to a container.


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify number of pieces of equipment required.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1
BGM, Beginning of message                     M        1
CTA, Contact information                      C        1
COM, Communication contact                    C        9
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9
MOA, Monetary amount                          C       99
FTX, Free text                                C       99
CNT, Control total                            C        9
DOC, Document/message details                 C        9
PCD, Percentage details                       C        9

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
LOC, Place/location identification            M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C        2 -------+
TOD, Terms of delivery or transport           M        1        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C        9 -------+
GOR, Governmental requirements                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9        |
SEL, Seal number                              C        9        |
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C        9 ------+|
DOC, Document/message details                 M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++

--- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations       M        1        |
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        9        |
PCD, Percentage details                       C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
ICD, Insurance cover description              M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1        |
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- M       99 -------+
TDT, Details of transport                     M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
--- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C       99 ------+|
LOC, Place/location identification            M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
RFF, Reference                                M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations       M        1       ||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        9       ||
PCD, Percentage details                       C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
ICD, Insurance cover description              M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++

--- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ M       99 -------+
NAD, Name and address                         M        1        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9        |
PCD, Percentage details                       C        1        |
--- Segment Group 14 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
CTA, Contact information                      M        1       ||
COM, Communication contact                    C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 15 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
DOC, Document/message details                 M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 16 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
RFF, Reference                                M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++

--- Segment Group 17 ------------------------ C      999 -------+
GID, Goods item details                       M        1        |
HAN, Handling instructions                    C        1        |
TMP, Temperature                              C        1        |
RNG, Range details                            C        1        |
TMD, Transport movement details               C        1        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9        |
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        9        |
PIA, Additional product id                    C        9        |
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
--- Segment Group 18 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
NAD, Name and address                         M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
GDS, Nature of cargo                          C        9        |
--- Segment Group 19 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
MEA, Measurements                             M        1       ||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 20 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
DIM, Dimensions                               M        1       ||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 21 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
RFF, Reference                                M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 22 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
PCI, Package identification                   M        1       ||
RFF, Reference                                C        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 23 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
DOC, Document/message details                 M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 24 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
GOR, Governmental requirements                M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9       ||
SEL, Seal number                              C        9       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        9       ||
--- Segment Group 25 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
DOC, Document/message details                 M        1      |||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
--- Segment Group 26 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
TPL, Transport placement                      M        1       ||
--- Segment Group 27 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
MEA, Measurements                             M        1      |||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
--- Segment Group 28 ------------------------ C      999 ------+|
SGP, Split goods placement                    M        1       ||
--- Segment Group 29 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
MEA, Measurements                             M        1      |||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
--- Segment Group 30 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations       M        1       ||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        9       ||
PCD, Percentage details                       C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 31 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
ICD, Insurance cover description              M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 32 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
DGS, Dangerous goods                          M        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C       99       ||
--- Segment Group 33 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
CTA, Contact information                      M        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        9      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 34 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
MEA, Measurements                             M        1      |||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 35 ------------------------ C      999 -----+||
SGP, Split goods placement                    M        1      |||
--- Segment Group 36 ------------------------ C        9 ----+|||
MEA, Measurements                             M        1     ||||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1     ||||
---- --------------------------------------------------------++++

--- Segment Group 37 ------------------------ C      999 -------+
EQD, Equipment details                        M        1        |
EQN, Number of units                          C        1        |
TMD, Transport movement details               C        1        |
MEA, Measurements                             C        9        |
DIM, Dimensions                               C        9        |
SEL, Seal number                              C       99        |
TPL, Transport placement                      C        9        |
HAN, Handling instructions                    C        1        |
TMP, Temperature                              C        1        |
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
--- Segment Group 38 ------------------------ C        9 ------+|
NAD, Name and address                         M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
--- Segment Group 39 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
CTA, Contact information                      M        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        9      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
--- Segment Group 40 ------------------------ C       99 ------+|
EQA, Attached equipment                       M        1       ||
EQN, Number of units                          C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1