Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 7233 in D01A
Packaging related description code (an1..3)
Code specifying information related to packaging.
Code | Description |
1 |
Product ingredients not marked on package The ingredients of the product are not marked on the packaging of the product. |
2 |
Product price not marked on packaging The product price is not marked on the packaging of the product. |
3 |
Product best before date not marked on product package The product best before date is not marked on the packaging of the product. |
4 |
Package not marked recyclable Package is not marked as recyclable. |
5 |
Promotional details marked A code indicating that promotional details have been marked on the package. |
31 |
Package best before date marked Package is marked with the product best before date. |
32 |
Package marked recyclable The package is marked recyclable. |
33 |
Package marked returnable The package is marked returnable. |
34 |
Product marking The information is related to product marking. |
35 |
Type of package The information is related to the type of package. |
36 |
Package specifications The information specifies the package. |
37 |
Package protection The information is related to protection of the package. |
38 |
Tarping The information describes how coverage with tarpaulins is to be provided. |
39 |
Platform/skid location The information describes the platform or skid location. |
40 |
Bearing piece location The information gives the location of the load bearing piece. |
41 |
Skid/pallet type The information describes the type of skid or pallet. |
42 |
Placement on carrier The information describes the placement on the carrier. |
43 |
Spacing directions Descriptions to be provided. |
44 |
Unloading device The information specifies the unloading device which must be used to handle the package. |
45 |
Unloading equipment The information specifies the unloading equipment which must be used to handle the package. |
50 |
Package barcoded EAN-13 or EAN-8 The package is barcoded with EAN-13 or EAN-8 code. |
51 |
Package barcoded ITF-14 or ITF-6 The package is barcoded with ITF-14 or ITF-6 code. |
52 |
Package barcoded UCC or EAN-128 The package is barcoded with UCC or EAN-128 code. |
53 |
Package price marked The package is marked with the price. |
54 |
Product ingredients marked on package The ingredients of the product contained in a package are marked on that package. |
55 |
Core characteristics Specifies the characteristics of the core of the package. |
56 |
Shipping requirement The packaging as per shipping requirement. |
57 |
Customs requirement The packaging as per Customs requirement. |
58 |
Transport contract requirement The packaging as per transport contract requirement. |
59 |
Preservation method The packaging related information is for methods of preservation. |
60 |
Product marking pattern The information describes the pattern used to mark the product. |
61 |
Product marking location The information provides the location of the product marking. |
62 |
Package/container mark location The information provides the location of a package or container mark. |
63 |
Marking method The information details the marking method. |
66 |
Receiving facility limitations The information describes limitations which apply to a receiving facility. |
67 |
Tagging/bar code instructions The information provides instructions as to how a package is to be tagged or have a bar code applied to it. |
68 |
Shipping package labelling The labelling of a package in which goods are shipped. |
69 |
Shipping package sealing The sealing particulars of a package in which goods are shipped. |
70 |
Optional packaging procedure To indicate an optional procedure for packaging. |
71 |
Cleaning or drying specification Identification of the cleaning or drying specification. |
72 |
Cushioning thickness specification Identification of the cushioning thickness specification. |
73 |
Cushioning and dunnage specification Identification of the cushioning and dunnage specification. |
74 |
Level of preservation specification Identification of the level of preservation specification. |
75 |
Preservation material specification Identification of the preservation material specification. |
76 |
Unit container specification Identification of the unit container specification. |
77 |
Material wrapping specification Identification of the material wrapping specification. |