
Message D02B/DGRECA

Dangerous goods recapitulation message

A message to specify recapitulations pertaining to the dangerous goods on board of a means of transport, e.g. a vessel.

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Dangerous goods recapitulation message is DGRECA. Note: Dangerous goods recapitulation messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DGRECA 0052 D 0054 02B 0051 UN


M(1) : Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit the identifying number.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to provide the date and time of the message.

SG1 C(9) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments to specify a reference applying to the whole message.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to specify a reference, e.g. reference to previous message.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate a date and time related to the reference.


A group of segments to indicate the details of the means of transport, with related locations, arrival dates and times, measurement, etc.


M(1) : Transport information

A segment to identify the means of transport (e.g. by Lloyd's Register number of a vessel, or by the license plate number of a truck) and the type of the means of transport.


M(2) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate the estimated date and time of arrival, and the date and time of departure.


M(2) : Place/location identification

A segment to indicate a location relating to the means of transport, such as: - place or port of departure - next place or port of call.


C(2) : Reference

A segment to specify a reference as an additional identification of the means of transport, e.g. radio call sign of a vessel.


C(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify a measurement of the means of transport, e.g. gross tonnage (of a vessel).

SG3 M(1) : NAD-SG4

A group of segments to identify a party which could give further information on the conveyance of the means of transport.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to identify a party's name, address and function from which further information can be obtained (e.g. port authority, harbour master).

SG4 C(1) : CTA-COM

A group of segment to indicate a contact within the party.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department within the party.


C(3) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of the contact to whom communication should be directed.


A group of segments to specify dangerous goods. The group is meant to be a recapitulation across all consignments on board of the means of transport, for dangerous goods that adhere to a certain combination of IMO code (i.e. International Maritime Organisation), IMO page number, UNDG number (i.e. United Nations Dangerous Goods number) and flashpoint.


M(1) : Dangerous goods

A segment to indicate the selection criteria for which a recapitulation is given, according to the appropriate regulation (e.g. IMO).


M(9) : Free text

A segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name related to the detailed dangerous goods classification as given in the DGS segment, and to provide additional dangerous goods information.


M(1) : Measurements

A segment to specify the gross weight of the recapitulation for the detailed dangerous goods classification as given in the DGS segment.


C(99) : Place/location identification

A segment to specify the location on the means of transport where the dangerous goods are stowed, e.g. stowage cell on a container vessel.


C(99) : Split goods placement

A segment to identify the equipment (e.g. container number) in which the dangerous goods are placed.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1
BGM, Beginning of message                     M        1
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C        9 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- M        1 -------+
TDT, Transport information                    M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         M        2        |
LOC, Place/location identification            M        2        |
RFF, Reference                                C        2        |
MEA, Measurements                             C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- M        1 -------+
NAD, Name and address                         M        1        |
--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C        1 ------+|
CTA, Contact information                      M        1       ||
COM, Communication contact                    C        3       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++

--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- M      999 -------+
DGS, Dangerous goods                          M        1        |
FTX, Free text                                M        9        |
MEA, Measurements                             M        1        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C       99        |
SGP, Split goods placement                    C       99        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1