Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6145 in D03B

Dimension type code qualifier (an1..3)

Code qualifying the type of the dimension.

Code Description
1 Gross dimensions
The dimension expressed in a gross value.
2 Package dimensions (including goods)
The dimension of the goods including the packaging.
3 Pallet dimensions (excluding goods)
The dimension of a pallet excluding the goods.
4 Pallet dimensions (including goods)
The dimension of a pallet including the goods.
5 Off-standard dimension front
The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the front of an equipment.
6 Off-standard dimension back
The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the back of an equipment.
7 Off-standard dimension right
The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the right side of an equipment.
8 Off-standard dimension left
The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the left side of an equipment.
9 Off-standard dimension general
The dimensions that the cargo exceeds the standard dimensions.
10 External equipment dimension
The external dimensions of transport equipment.
11 Internal equipment dimensions
The internal dimensions of equipment.
12 Damage dimensions
Dimensions of the damaged area.
13 Off-standard dimensions height
The dimension in the height that the cargo exceeds the standard height at the top of a piece of equipment.
14 Equipment door dimensions
Dimensions (width and height) of the equipment door.