Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6321 in D04A

Measurement significance code (an1..3)

Code specifying the significance of a measurement.

Code Description
3 Approximately
The measurement is approximately equal to that specified.
4 Equal to
The measurement is equal to that specified.
5 Greater than or equal to
The measurement is greater than or equal to that specified.
6 Greater than
The measurement is greater than that specified.
7 Less than
The measurement is less than that specified.
8 Less than or equal to
The measurement is less than or equal to that specified.
9 Average value
Average value for a specific series of readings.
10 Not equal to
The measurement is not equal to that specified.
11 Trace
Description to be provided.
12 True value
The measurement reported is a true value.
13 Observed value
The measurement reported is an observed value.
14 Marked
The measurement marked on the object.
15 Out of range
The measurement reported is out of range.
1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04B.