Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6331 in D04A

Statistic type code qualifier (an1..3)

Code qualifying the type of a statistic.

Code Description
1 Mean average
The type of statistic being reported is the mean average.
2 Median
The type of statistic being reported is the middle value of a series.
3 Estimate
The type of statistic being reported is an approximate judgement.
4 Efficiency performance
The type of statistic being reported is efficiency performance.
5 Process capability upper
The statistic being reported is the upper process capability.
6 Process capability lower
The statistic being reported is the lower process capability.
7 Process capability CPK
Description to be provided.
8 Range average
The type of statistic being reported is the range average.
9 Standard deviation
The type of statistic being reported is the standard deviation.
10 In limits
The type of statistic being reported is within limits.
11 On gauge
Self explanatory.
1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04B.