Message D04A/BANSTA
Banking status message
A BANSTA message is sent by a financial institution to its customer and/or vice versa and among financial institutions. It is used for all kind of enquiries, answers and status information at application level.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Banking status message is BANSTA. Note: Banking status messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 BANSTA 0052 D 0054 04A 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment by means of which the sender must uniquely identify the BANSTA message using its type and number and its function (e.g. response, enquiry, status etc.).
M(1) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date and, if required, the time the message is created.
C(1) : Business functionA segment identifying certain characteristics of the Banking Status message, such as its business function.
SG1 C(2) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the financial institutions involved in the Banking Status message, routing functions and contacts.
M(1) : Financial institution informationA segment identifying the financial institution(s) associated with the transaction, in coded or uncoded form and their function.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.
A group of segments identifying the name(s) and address(es) of non-financial parties involved in the transaction, their function and their contacts.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment identifying the names and addresses of the non- financial parties associated with the Banking Status message, in coded or uncoded form, and their function.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.
SG4 M(999) : LIN-SG5-SG6
A group of segments identifying a message or transaction and the status of the referred message/transaction, as well as any reasons clarifying the status.
M(1) : Line itemA segment identifying the beginning of the details related to the previously-sent message by a sequential line number.
SG5 C(5) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments specifying reference number(s), date/or time needed in order to identify a referenced message or transaction.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment providing references of the message/transaction to be referred to.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment identifying the date/time of the referred message or transaction.
A group of segments identifying the status, and any reasons clarifying this status, of the referred message/transaction.
M(1) : Sequence detailsA segment identifying the beginning of the specification of the status and related details about the message/transaction by a sequential number.
M(1) : Processing informationA segment specifying the processing status of a referenced message/transaction in a coded form. It is used in conjunction with one or more of the following segments or groups clarifying the detailed reply or status/information.
C(2) : Date/time/periodA segment identifying dates and/or times related to information in the GEI-segment.
C(1) : Monetary amountA segment identifying the amount(s) associated with the related information in the GEI-segment.
C(1) : CurrenciesA segment identifying the currency associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
C(1) : Percentage detailsA segment identifying the percentage associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
C(1) : Free textA segment specifying free form data associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
C(5) : Document/message detailsA segment identifying the documents associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
A group of segments identifying the financial institution(s) associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
M(1) : Financial institution informationA segment identifying the financial institution(s) associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or departments(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.
A group of segments identifying the name and address of non-financial parties associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment identifying names and address of non- financial parties associated with the related information in the GEI segment.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or departments(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.
C(5) : Control totalA segment identifying the kind of control-checks and the total according to the coded form.
SG9 C(5) : AUT-DTM
A group of segments specifying details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the BANSTA message.
M(1) : Authentication resultA segment specifying the details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the BANSTA message.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment identifying the validation date/time.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 1 BUS, Business function C 1 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 2 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ FII, Financial institution information M 1 | CTA, Contact information C 1 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 3 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | CTA, Contact information C 1 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M 999 -------+ LIN, Line item M 1 | | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 5 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| SEQ, Sequence details M 1 || GEI, Processing information M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 2 || MOA, Monetary amount C 1 || CUX, Currencies C 1 || PCD, Percentage details C 1 || FTX, Free text C 1 || DOC, Document/message details C 5 || || --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 1 -----+|| FII, Financial institution information M 1 ||| CTA, Contact information C 1 ||| COM, Communication contact C 5 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 1 -----+|| NAD, Name and address M 1 ||| CTA, Contact information C 1 ||| COM, Communication contact C 5 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++ CNT, Control total C 5 --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ AUT, Authentication result M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1