
Message D04B/RESETT

Reinsurance settlement message

A reinsurance settlement message is exchanged by insurers, reinsurers, bureaux, brokers and professional reinsurance intermediaries to send all information that enables to identify, reconcile and set-off technical accounts.

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Reinsurance settlement message is RESETT. Note: Reinsurance settlement messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 RESETT 0052 D 0054 04B 0051 UN


M(2) : Processing information

A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the whole message.


A group of segments to specify the name and address, contact information, communication contact and reference of the message sender, message receiver and/or parties receiving a courtesy copy.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to specify the name and address and the related function of the party involved.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed as identified in the CTA segment.


C(2) : Reference

A segment to specify identifying numbers associated with the named party.


M(4) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the message transaction date, date as at, statement period, preparation date.


C(5) : Free text

A segment to provide general message information.

SG2 M(99) : RFF-SG3

A group of segments to allow a breakdown for each permanent financial account to which the underlying items are pertaining to.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to specify the permanent financial account to which the underlying items are pertaining to.


A group of segments to allow a breakdown for each reporting level to which the underlying items are pertaining to.


M(1) : Processing information

A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the reporting level of breakdown.


C(1) : Payment instructions

A segment to specify the conditions for payment or the requested conditions for payment.


C(4) : Name and address

A segment to specify the name and address and their related function for the parties taking part in the financial transaction.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify pertinent date, time and period relating to the entry.


A group of segments to specify and identify sub-total references and the transaction references.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to specify identifying numbers associated with the named transaction.


C(1) : Communication contact

A segment to identify the means by which the referenced document was transmitted.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the transaction date relating to the reference given.


C(1) : Free text

A segment to give an additional description to the transaction or document referenced.


C(6) : Processing information

A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the settlement.


M(6) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify a monetary amount, e.g. permanent financial account amount, sub-total amount, technical transaction amount.


C(1) : Currencies

A segment to specify currencies used in the transaction and relevant details for the rate of exchange.


C(2) : Free text

A segment to specify text information regarding the permanent financial account description, the sub-total description, the contract description, the loss or risk details.


A group of segments to report the market to the technical transaction.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to identify the insurance company, bureau, original insurer, original policy holder, ceding company or broker.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed as identified in the CTA segment.


C(1) : Percentage details

A segment to specify the party's share in the contract.


C(2) : Reference

A segment to specify references of the party named in NAD.


C(1) : Processing information

A segment to give a processing indicator relating to the settlement by specific parties involved in the transaction.


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify the share amount of the party named in NAD.


M(1) : Section control

A segment used to prevent collisions between the detail and the summary sections of the message.


A segment group to summarize the message and/or specify the settlement instruction.


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment to specify the settlement amounts or hash-total.


C(4) : Name and address

A segment to identify the issuing bank, paying or receiving financial institution, payer, payee.


C(1) : Payment instructions

A segment to specify the conditions for payment or the requested conditions for payment.


C(4) : Reference

A segment to specify references of the party named in NAD.


C(2) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the dates relating to the settlement.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1
GEI, Processing information                   M        2

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- M       99 -------+
NAD, Name and address                         M        1        |
CTA, Contact information                      C        1        |
COM, Communication contact                    C        5        |
RFF, Reference                                C        2        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
DTM, Date/time/period                         M        4
FTX, Free text                                C        5

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- M       99 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- M     9999 ------+|
GEI, Processing information                   M        1       ||
PAI, Payment instructions                     C        1       ||
NAD, Name and address                         C        4       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M       20 -----+||
RFF, Reference                                M        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        1      |||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1      |||
FTX, Free text                                C        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
GEI, Processing information                   C        6       ||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        6       ||
CUX, Currencies                               C        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        2       ||
--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C     9999 -----+||
NAD, Name and address                         M        1      |||
CTA, Contact information                      C        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        5      |||
PCD, Percentage details                       C        1      |||
RFF, Reference                                C        2      |||
GEI, Processing information                   C        1      |||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++
UNS, Section control                          M        1

--- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1        |
NAD, Name and address                         C        4        |
PAI, Payment instructions                     C        1        |
RFF, Reference                                C        4        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        2        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1