Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 2151 in D06B
Period type code (an1..3)
Code specifying the type of period.
Code | Description |
D |
Day The twenty-four hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis. |
F |
Period of two weeks A period of time lasting fourteen days. Synonym: Fortnight. |
H |
Hour One of the twenty-four sub-divisions of a day. |
M |
Month One of twelve divisions of the year as determined by the Gregorian calendar. |
P |
Four month period A period of time, measured in monthly increments, consisting of four sequential months. |
S |
Second A unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute. |
W |
Week Period of seven days. |
Y |
Year The period of time as measured by the Gregorian calendar in which the earth completes a single revolution around the sun. |
3M |
Quarter A subdivision of a year into four equal parts. |
6M |
Half-year A subdivision of a year into two equal parts. |
AA |
Air hour Flight duration irrespective of time zones. |
AD |
Air day Flight duration irrespective of time zones. |
CD |
Calendar day (includes weekends and holidays) Period given as a number of days including weekends and holidays. |
CW |
Calendar week (7day) Period given as a number of 7day-weeks including holidays. |
DC |
Ten days period Period of 10 days. |
HM |
Half month A subdivision of a month into two equal parts. |
MN |
Minute A unit of time equal to 1/60 of an hour, or 60 seconds. |
SD |
Surface day The voyage duration irrespective of time zones. |
SI |
Indefinite An indefinite period. |
WD |
Workday Day on which work is usually done. |
WW |
5 day work week Monday through Friday. |
Mutually defined Period as per agreement. |