Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 4183 in D06B
Special condition code (an1..3)
Code specifying a special condition.
Code | Description |
1 |
Item for national preference Item concerned is applicable to national preference calculation. |
2 |
Item qualifying for payment discount Item concerned is applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. |
3 |
Item not qualifying for payment discount Item concerned is not applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. |
4 |
Urgent delivery of reserved goods Urgent delivery of goods for which a reservation was made. |
5 |
Item not to be included in bonus calculation Item concerned is not applicable for bonus calculation. |
6 |
Subject to bonus Item concerned is applicable for bonus calculation. |
7 |
Subject to commission Item concerned is applicable for commission calculation. |
8 |
Subject to discount Item concerned is applicable for discount calculation. |
9 |
Freely available in EEC Item should be available freely within the European Economic Community. |
10 |
Subject to settlement discount Item concerned is applicable for the overall settlement discount. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 188 entries