Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 7073 in D06B
Packaging terms and conditions code (an1..3)
Code specifying the packaging terms and conditions.
Code | Description |
1 |
Packaging cost paid by supplier The cost of packaging is paid by the supplier. |
2 |
Packaging cost paid by recipient The cost of packaging is paid by the recipient. |
3 |
Packaging cost not charged (returnable) There is no charge for packaging because it is returnable. |
4 |
Buyer's The packaging terms and conditions are specified by the buyer. |
5 |
Carrier's durable Reusable packaging owned by the carrier. |
6 |
Carrier's expendable Disposable packaging supplied by the carrier. |
7 |
Seller's durable Reusable packaging owned by the seller. |
8 |
Seller's expendable Disposable packaging supplied by the seller. |
9 |
Special purpose buyer's durable Reusable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item and owned by the buyer. |
10 |
Special purpose buyer's expendable Disposable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item. |
11 |
Multiple usage buyer's durable Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the buyer. |
12 |
Multiple usage seller's durable Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the seller. |
13 |
Not packed The referenced item is to be supplied without packaging. |
14 |
Special purpose seller's durable Non-standard reusable packaging owned by the seller. |
15 |
Export quality The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for item export. |
16 |
Domestic quality The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for domestic usage. |
17 |
Packaging included in price The cost of packaging is included in the item price. |
18 |
Packaging costs split The cost of packaging is shared equally between the buyer and seller. |
19 |
Packaging costs invoiced separately The packaging cost will be invoiced on a separate message or document. |
20 |
Nil packaging costs The packaging is free of charge. |
21 |
Nil packaging costs if packaging returned The costs of packaging is reimbursed by the seller to buyer if packaging is returned. |
22 |
Return chargeable The return of packaging/empties is chargeable. |
23 |
Chargeable, two thirds of paid amount with credit note on return of loaned package The buyer receives two thirds of paid amount with credit note if loaned package is returned. |
24 |
Rented The package has been, or will be, rented. |
25 |
Safe return deposit A deposit paid to guarantee the safe return of the package. |
26 |
Not reusable The package is not reusable. |
27 |
Package exchangeable at the point of delivery The package may be exchanged at the point of delivery. |
28 |
Tamper evident package The package should give easy or immediate recognition that the package has been tampered with after it has been sealed. |
29 |
Labeled The package is labeled. |