Message D07A/IMPDEF
EDI implementation guide definition message
The EDI implementation guideline definition message (IMPDEF) permits the exchange of implementation details of an EDI message, including its usage and its presentation.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the EDI implementation guide definition message is IMPDEF. Note: EDI implementation guide definition messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IMPDEF 0052 D 0054 07A 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment to indicate the beginning of the message and to transmit function, type and number of the message.
M(1) : Message type identificationA segment identifying a message type to which the implementation details apply.
C(1) : Requirements and conditionsA segment specifying the distribution conditions for the implementation.
M(1) : Directory identificationA segment specifying the identity of the source directory set and giving its language and maintenance operation. This identifies the underlying standard from which the standard message is drawn.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment carrying reference information for the implementation as a whole. This may specify the unique registration identifier of this implementation guide; it may carry references to graphical information to be used or displayed whenever the implementation is physically displayed.
C(9) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying dates related to the implementation guide, such as date of issue or date of approval.
C(999) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes which relate to the implementation as a whole. It may also carry various legal or contractual phrases which may apply to the ownership or copyright of the implementation guide, or contractual terms which will be incorporated by reference into any contract of which a data transmission using this implementation is a part.
SG1 C(5) : PNA-ADR-SG2
A group of segments identifying the parties involved in the transaction with associated information. For publicly available implementation guides this includes details of the ownership and origination of the guide.
M(1) : Party identificationA segment identifying the names of the parties involved in the transaction, e.g., originator, requester, author or secretariat.
C(1) : AddressA segment identifying the address of the party.
SG2 C(9999) : CTA-COM
A group of segments identifying a person or a department and identifying communication type and number.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party to whom the communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication type and number of the person.
SG3 C(99999) : DFN-FTX-SG4-SG5-SG6-SG7-SG8-SG9-SG10-SG11-SG12
A group of segments to describe the usage of a segment, a segment group, a composite or an element, an alias, or a constraint in a MIG or IC. The iterations of this segment group form the bulk of the MIG or IC. The MIG or IC consists of a series of iterations of this segment group which describe the target message hierarchy. Within the hierarchy, additional occurrences of this segment group may specify the conditions or relationships between the components. Only the appropriate parts of this segment group should be used as necessary on any particular iteration. The other contained segment groups are ordered to minimise the number of iterations of this segment group. The 'Alias' and 'Constraint' instances of this segment group provide a mechanism for grouping or encapsulating blocks of components. An 'Alias' has no context, and therefore takes on the context of the point at which it is used. A 'Constraint' inherits the context in which it is defined, but may redefine any part of its context by using the appropriate optional segment groups within the main segment loop. As well as its defining function, each component may also be used in a constraining manner. For example, a repeating segment may not only define its components, but also the number of times it is allowed to repeat; then, within each instance, a different combination of element requirements may be expressed. This conditionality may be based on either ordering or content criteria. Once defined, an 'Alias' may be used throughout the MIG where required, by "using" the definition which is identified by its 'name'. Similarly, in error reporting, an active constraint may be identified by its 'name'.
M(1) : Definition functionA segment identifying the object of the definition, and containing an optional 'name' or identifier.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes pertaining to the preceding definition, or to carry the text of a constraint expression.
SG4 C(1) : GRU-FTX
A group of segments identifying a segment group and providing details about segment group usage. This segment group depends on a segment context having been established by an instance of a segment group describing segment usage. This segment group defines a segment group context for the target message, and will immediately follow the definition of the trigger segment context, preceding the constituent elements within the trigger segment. Several instances of the same segment group may be described, with the MEA segment group distinguishing which range or instance of the target message segment is being described.
M(1) : Segment group usage detailsA segment specifying the usage of a segment group in a definition. The segment may identify one or more instances of a target segment group.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes or textual information related to the specific group in the underlying message.
SG5 C(999) : SGU-FTX
A group of segments specifying segment usage within the definition. There will be at least one instance of this segment group for each segment described in the implementation guide. This segment group defines a segment context, and all the following components are deemed to be within the context of the segment whose usage is being defined until a subsequent segment context is defined. Several instances of the same segment may be described, with the MEA segment group distinguishing which range or instance of the target message segment is being described.
M(1) : Segment usage detailsA segment specifying the usage of a segment in a message type structure for this definition. As well as defining the specific usage of a particular target segment, this segment also provides the segment context for the following element usage details. The segment may identify one or more instances of usage for any particular segment in the target data message.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or textual information relating to the specific segment in the underlying message.
A group of segments specifying formalised relationships among the various components of this implementation at a particular context, such as additional rules concerning syntax and semantics which are specific to an implementation. The relationships may be both intra-component, such as between elements in a segment, or inter-component, such as between elements in different segments. Depending on the context in which this segment group is used, it may specify relationships between segments or segment groups in a message, between data elements in a segment, or between data elements in a composite.
M(1) : FootnoteA segment specifying a footnote identification number that may place the relationship in the current context.
C(1) : RelationshipA segment specifying a relationship between the various components, typically data elements in a segment, in the current context.
C(9) : Related identification numbersA segment identifying the various components in a relationship, typically data elements in a segment, in the current context.
C(99) : Free textA segment carrying text notes to the preceding relationship.
SG7 C(99) : RFF-FTX
A group of segments carrying references, or constraints whose default context applies to the containing segment. This segment group may be used to change the constraint mechanism at the current and deeper levels in the message hierarchy. Additionally, this segment group may be used to carry legal and contractual terms which relate, either by way of explanation or to be incorporated by reference, in the particular context at which the group appears. Depending on the context, the references may be applied to the target message as a whole, the current segment or element context, or the current code value context.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment identifying a reference document or a following constraint expression.
C(99) : Free textA segment carrying the text of a constraint expression or providing implementation guide notes pertaining to the preceding constraint.
A group of segments specifying implementation requirements for data elements in the current segment or composite context. Multiple instances of this segment group will typically be used to describe the usage of all the elements in any given segment or composite context. There will be at least one instance of this segment group for each element used, although a constraint structure may override or further define the specification in any particular context or sub-context. The MEA segment group may be used to provide repeat range or specific instance information for repeating data elements. This segment group defines an element or composite context which will remain in force until the next element or composite context is defined, or a new segment context is established.
M(1) : Data element usage detailsA segment identifying the usage of a simple or composite data element in the current context. This segment starts a block of information about any one particular contextualised usage of a data element in a target data message. The data element usage determines whether this segment is defining a composite context, a simple element context or a component element context.
C(1) : Simple data element detailsA segment providing details of any variation or restriction of the current data element as used in this context. Typically this segment will convey details of restricted size or character representation.
C(1) : Editing detailsA segment providing details of any editing information such as maximum field length and status that would be used by a screen-based editor, forms input or data output process when physical representation of the data carried in a data message using this implementation guide is required.
C(9) : Item descriptionA segment providing further details of presentational information such as text alignment and style that might be used by a screen-based editor, forms input or data output process when physical representation of the data carried in a data message using this implementation guide is required.
C(9) : Processing informationA segment providing further details of processing information such as data handling, positioning or control that might be used by a screen-based editor, forms input or data output process when data is carried, stored or collected by a data message using this implementation guide is required.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or other textual information relating to this element usage. The segment will also be used to carry the final set of information that would be used by a screen-based editor; forms input or data output process; a legend or user- recognisable description; and a help text.
SG9 C(999) : MEA-FTX
A group of segments specifying implementation requirements for the number of instances of repeating segments, segment groups or elements in the current context. Multiple instances of this segment group will typically be used to describe both the overall limits of usage and to identify individual instances in any given context.
M(1) : MeasurementsA segment to measure the number of instances of usage of a component in a message. The segment may specify minima, maxima, range or instance criteria.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or other textual information relating to this measurement.
SG10 C(99999) : ELV-FTX
A group of segments specifying the usage of values for a non-coded data element. Multiple instances of this segment group may be used to provide a complete set of ranges or specific values, including preferences. It can be used for any other type of data element, such as strings, numerics, dates and times. It can also specify a default value and associated implementation notes for a specific element in a particular context. A simple element or component element context must have been established before this segment group is used.
M(1) : Element value definitionA segment identifying one or more components of an element value constraint series. It also may provide a default value for the current element context. This is expressed in a single text field so as to be used by or applicable to the broadest range of applications.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or other textual information related to the particular context. Such a context may include implementation guide notes for the default value.
SG11 C(99999) : CDV-FTX
A group of segments specifying the usage of code values for a coded data element. Multiple instances of this segment group may be used to provide a complete set of code values, including preferences. A simple element or component element context must have been established before this segment group is used.
M(1) : Code value definitionA segment identifying the code value, its source and usage preference.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or other textual information related to the particular context.
SG12 C(99999) : DRD-FTX
A group of segments specifying data representation details for a component of the message. This segment group may be used in a segment, group, composite or simple data element context to describe the data representation that the implementation guide author intends to use to hold, store or represent the structure or data in a non-EDI environment.
M(1) : Data representation detailsA segment identifying an underlying data representation by tag, basic data type and size. This is the representation itself, and not a pointer to an external document.
C(99) : Free textA segment providing implementation guide notes, or other relevant textual information.
SG13 C(1) : AUT-DTM
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 MSG, Message type identification M 1 RCS, Requirements and conditions C 1 DII, Directory identification M 1 RFF, Reference C 99 DTM, Date/time/period C 9 FTX, Free text C 999 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ PNA, Party identification M 1 | ADR, Address C 1 | | --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 9999 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 5 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 99999 -------+ DFN, Definition function M 1 | FTX, Free text C 99 | | --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 1 ------+| GRU, Segment group usage details M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 999 ------+| SGU, Segment usage details M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| FNT, Footnote M 1 || REL, Relationship C 1 || GIR, Related identification numbers C 9 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| ELU, Data element usage details M 1 || ELM, Simple data element details C 1 || EDT, Editing details C 1 || IMD, Item description C 9 || GEI, Processing information C 9 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 999 ------+| MEA, Measurements M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C 99999 ------+| ELV, Element value definition M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C 99999 ------+| CDV, Code value definition M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ C 99999 ------+| DRD, Data representation details M 1 || FTX, Free text C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ C 1 -------+ AUT, Authentication result M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1