Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 3279 in D08B

Geographic area code (an1..3)

Code specifying a geographical area.

Code Description
DO Domestic
Domestic message as defined by relevant central bank.
DP SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID C
SEPA message following scheme 3 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).
DQ SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID A
SEPA message following scheme 1 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).
DR Domestic with regulatory information required
Domestic message with requirement to regulatory information to central bank.
DS SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID B
SEPA message following scheme 2 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).
DT SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID D
SEPA message following scheme 4 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).
EA Economic area
Message crossing at least one national boundary but confined within a specific economic area (e.g. EC, EFTA ...).
IN International
International message as defined by relevant central bank.
IR International with regulatory information required
International message with requirement to regulatory information to central bank.
IS European Union
To identify the message as originating from and destined to a member state of the European Union.
SPA SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID A
SEPA message following EBA (EURO Banking Association) scheme 1, i.e. used for SEPA Credit Transfers / SEPA Direct Debits.
SPB SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID B
SEPA message following EBA (EURO Banking Association) scheme 2, i.e. used for SEPA Business to Business Direct Debits where debtors are non-consumers. This Direct Debits are pre-authorized without refund rights.
SPC SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID C
SEPA message following scheme 3 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).
SPD SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) ID D
SEPA message following scheme 4 as defined by EBA (EURO Banking Association).