Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 8101 in D08B

Transit direction indicator code (an1..3)

Code specifying the direction of transport.

Code Description
BS Buyer to seller
The transport from the buyer to the seller.
SB Seller to buyer
The transport from the seller to the buyer.
SC Subcontractor to seller
The transport from the subcontractor to the seller.
SD Seller to drop ship designated location
The transport from the seller to the drop ship designated location.
SF Seller to freight forwarder
The transport from the seller to the freight forwarder.
SS Seller to subcontractor
The transport from the seller to the subcontractor.
ST Mother vessel to lighter
Cargo is transferred from the main carriage or mother vessel to a lighter.
SU Lighter to mother vessel
Cargo is transferred from the lighter vessel to a main carriage or mother vessel.
ZZZ Mutually defined
A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.