Message D09A/BALANC
Balance message
A message used to exchange enterprise related balances between the enterprise and whoever may use them for the purpose of accounting, auditing, cost accounting, consolidation, financial analysis, etc.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Balance message is BALANC. Note: Balance messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 BALANC 0052 D 0054 09A 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment identifying the balance message.
M(99) : Date/time/periodA segment containing balance opening and closing dates and its preparation date.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment containing the number of the balance linked to the message and its version number.
C(99) : CurrenciesA segment providing currencies which are specific to the balance message.
C(1) : Free textA segment containing free text information, in coded or clear form, giving additional clarifications solely concerning the summary section. In computer-to-computer exchanges such text information will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.
SG1 M(99) : NAD-RFF-SG2
SG3 C(99) : CCI-CAV
A segment group providing the following relevant information for a given period of the balance : account number and its identification, period, quantity, stated value and record number.
M(1) : Line itemA segment indicating the trial balance line number within the message.
M(999) : Monetary amountA segment containing detailed information about debit or credit trend of the amount, the amount itself in local and original currency and the currency code relating to these amounts.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment giving detailed information on the opening and closing dates of account.
C(1) : ReferenceA segment containing a reference number which may be a journal page number (folio) and sequence number within the folio (line) as a single reference number or a serial number assigned at bookkeeping entry level (record number) for a given period.
C(10) : QuantityA segment specifying the quantity and the measure unit relative to the amount of the accounting trial balance.
SG5 M(9) : CPT-SG6
A segment group containing detailed information identifying an account.
M(1) : Account identificationA segment containing detailed information identifying the treated main account number and its subsidiary account numbers.
SG7 M(1) : EQN-MOA
A segment group providing information on trial balance amounts and quantities. This group provides totals for verification purposes.
M(1) : Number of unitsA segment specifying the number of balance lines for a given period relative to the balance message.
M(9) : Monetary amountA segment adding up the total amounts in local and all foreign currencies in the balance message.
SG8 C(1) : AUT-DTM
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 99 RFF, Reference C 99 CUX, Currencies C 99 FTX, Free text C 1 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- M 99 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | RFF, Reference C 9 | | --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 9 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ CCI, Characteristic/class id M 1 | CAV, Characteristic value C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M 99999 -------+ LIN, Line item M 1 | MOA, Monetary amount M 999 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | RFF, Reference C 1 | QTY, Quantity C 10 | | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- M 9 ------+| CPT, Account identification M 1 || || --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 99 -----+|| CCI, Characteristic/class id M 1 ||| CAV, Characteristic value C 1 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++ --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- M 1 -------+ EQN, Number of units M 1 | MOA, Monetary amount M 9 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 1 -------+ AUT, Authentication result M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1