Message D09A/RESMSG
Reservation message
A Reservation message is sent by a tourism operator to one or more service providers in order to request desired services. These services may be subject to confirmation by any of the parties concerned.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Reservation message is RESMSG. Note: Reservation messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 RESMSG 0052 D 0054 09A 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment identifying the Reservation message.
C(1) : LanguageA segment identifying the language used in a transaction.
C(1) : Percentage detailsA segment containing a percentage factor which relates to the services or products requested in the whole message.
C(1) : Payment instructionsA segment specifying a method of payment relating to the services or products requested in the whole message.
C(5) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying a date that applies to the message, (e.g. date of this message, date until such message is valid).
C(5) : Free textA segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the whole message.
C(2) : Place/location identificationA segment containing location information pertaining to the services or products requested in the whole message.
C(5) : Monetary amountA segment containing the monetary amounts to be paid by the sender for all beneficiaries, services or products requested in the whole message.
C(10) : Payment termsA segment specifying payment terms relating to the services or products requested in the whole message.
C(5) : Financial institution informationA segment containing financial institution information relating to the services or products requested in the whole message.
SG1 C(5) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the sender and the receiver and all other parties involved in the transaction and how to communicate information to each of them.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment providing name and address of the parties related to the message (sender, receiver, airline, agent).
C(5) : ReferenceA segment indicating any additional reference for the party identified in the preceding NAD segment.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment containing communication information for the party identified in the preceding NAD segment.
C(1) : LanguageA segment indicating the language to be used by the party identified in the preceding NAD segment.
A group of segments identifying a person or a department within a party specified in the preceding NAD segment and how to communicate with them.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the preceding NAD segment, and to whom the communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment providing communication information for the person or department identified in the preceding CTA segment.
C(1) : LanguageA segment indicating the language to communicate with the person or department identified in the preceding CTA segment.
SG4 C(99) : SEQ-SG5-SG9
A group of segments relating to the requested services and to the beneficiaries.
M(1) : Sequence detailsA segment which provides a sequence number for later reference to a related service, product or beneficiary.
A group of segments identifying a particular service or product requested.
M(1) : Item descriptionA segment identifying a particular product or service.
C(1) : QuantityA segment specifying a quantity related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : LanguageA segment indicating the language to be used for the requested service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(20) : Date/time/periodA segment to indicate any date and/or time pertaining to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : Name and addressA segment specifying name and address information related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment containing reference relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : Percentage detailsA segment containing percentage factors which relate to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : Payment instructionsA segment specifying methods of payment relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(5) : Payment termsA segment specifying payment terms for the service or product identified in an associated IMD segment.
C(5) : Financial institution informationA segment containing financial institution information relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(2) : DimensionsA segment providing dimensions which may be required for the provision of the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(5) : Free textA segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
A group of segments identifying location and if necessary the name and address of a specific place connected with this location.
M(1) : Place/location identificationA segment containing location information pertaining to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : Name and addressA segment providing name and address information relating to the information specified in the preceding LOC segment.
C(10) : Date/time/periodA segment providing date and/or time information relating to the information specified in the preceding LOC segment.
SG7 C(99) : MOA-QTY
A group of segments containing the monetary amount to be paid related to the quantity of the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
M(1) : Monetary amountA segment containing the monetary amount to be paid by the sender for the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
C(1) : QuantityA segment specifying a quantity related to the service or product identified in the IMD segment.
A group of segments providing special conditions or additional requirements related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment.
M(1) : Requirements and conditionsA segment to specify types of requirements attached to the provision of a service.
C(5) : Financial institution informationA segment containing financial institution information relating to the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment.
C(2) : Monetary amountA segment containing the monetary amount to be paid by the sender for the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment.
C(1) : ReferenceA segment containing reference information relating to the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment.
C(1) : Free textA segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding RCS segment.
SG9 C(99) : MEM-SG10
A group of segments containing information pertaining to the beneficiaries of the services or products requested in the message.
M(1) : Membership detailsA segment specifying relationship between persons within a group.
A group of segments providing information related to a group or an individual beneficiary.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment specifying name and address information related to the preceding MEM segment.
C(99) : AttributeA segment specifying an attribute related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment providing reference information related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(1) : LanguageA segment providing language information which relates to the preceding NAD segment.
C(5) : Free textA segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment providing communication information related to the preceding NAD segment.
SG11 C(1) : CTA-COM
A group of segments providing contact information related to the NAD segment.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment providing contact information related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment providing communication information related to the preceding CTA segment.
A group of segments providing documentation information related to the preceding NAD segment.
M(1) : Document/message detailsA segment indicating a type of document (e.g. passport, visa, driving licence, vaccination certificate, etc...) related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(1) : Place/location identificationA segment identifying the place of issue of the document referenced in the preceding DOC segment.
C(10) : Date/time/periodA segment indicating the date of issue of the document referenced in the preceding DOC segment.
A group of segments providing payment information, payment terms, financial institution, monetary amount and references related to the preceding NAD segment.
M(1) : Payment instructionsA segment specifying a method of payment relating to the preceding NAD segment.
C(1) : Payment termsA segment providing payment terms related to the preceding PAI segment.
C(1) : Financial institution informationA segment providing financial institution information relating to preceding PAI segment.
C(1) : Monetary amountA segment providing monetary information (e.g. a rate request, maximum price, etc...) related to the preceding PAI segment.
C(9) : ReferenceA segment providing reference information related to the preceding PAI segment.
A group of segments providing information of special requirements or conditions related to the preceding NAD segment.
M(1) : Requirements and conditionsA segment to specify a type of requirement (e.g. special diet needs, handicapped facilities, etc...) related to the preceding NAD segment.
C(2) : Monetary amountA segment providing a monetary amount related to the preceding RCS segment.
C(2) : ReferenceA segment containing reference information relating to the preceding RCS segment.
C(1) : Free textA segment specifying information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding RCS segment.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 LAN, Language C 1 PCD, Percentage details C 1 PAI, Payment instructions C 1 DTM, Date/time/period C 5 FTX, Free text C 5 LOC, Place/location identification C 2 MOA, Monetary amount C 5 PYT, Payment terms C 10 FII, Financial institution information C 5 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | RFF, Reference C 5 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | LAN, Language C 1 | | --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 5 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 5 || LAN, Language C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ SEQ, Sequence details M 1 | | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| IMD, Item description M 1 || QTY, Quantity C 1 || LAN, Language C 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 20 || NAD, Name and address C 1 || RFF, Reference C 99 || PCD, Percentage details C 1 || PAI, Payment instructions C 1 || PYT, Payment terms C 5 || FII, Financial institution information C 5 || DIM, Dimensions C 2 || FTX, Free text C 5 || || --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 10 -----+|| LOC, Place/location identification M 1 ||| NAD, Name and address C 1 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 10 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 99 -----+|| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 ||| QTY, Quantity C 1 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 10 -----+|| RCS, Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| FII, Financial institution information C 5 ||| MOA, Monetary amount C 2 ||| RFF, Reference C 1 ||| FTX, Free text C 1 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------++| | --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| MEM, Membership details M 1 || || --- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| NAD, Name and address M 1 ||| ATT, Attribute C 99 ||| RFF, Reference C 99 ||| LAN, Language C 1 ||| FTX, Free text C 5 ||| COM, Communication contact C 5 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C 1 ----+||| CTA, Contact information M 1 |||| COM, Communication contact C 5 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------+||| ||| --- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ C 5 ----+||| DOC, Document/message details M 1 |||| LOC, Place/location identification C 1 |||| DTM, Date/time/period C 10 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------+||| ||| --- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| PAI, Payment instructions M 1 |||| PYT, Payment terms C 1 |||| FII, Financial institution information C 1 |||| MOA, Monetary amount C 1 |||| RFF, Reference C 9 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------+||| ||| --- Segment Group 14 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| RCS, Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| MOA, Monetary amount C 2 |||| RFF, Reference C 2 |||| FTX, Free text C 1 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------++++ UNT, Message trailer M 1