Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 4347 in D11B

Product identifier code qualifier (an1..3)

Code qualifying the product identifier.

Code Description
1 Additional identification
Information which specifies and qualifies product identifications.
2 Identification for potential substitution
The item number describes the potential substitute product.
3 Substituted by
The given item number is the number of the product that substitutes another one.
4 Substituted for
The given item number is the number of the original product substituted by another.
5 Product identification
The item number is for product identification.
6 Successor product id
Product id of the product that will follow the one currently in production/trade.
7 Predecessor product id
Product id of the predecessor of the product currently in production/trade.
8 Expired/out of production
The given item number is the expired item number of the product. It has been replaced.
9 Deletion of secondary identification
Code indicating the deletion of a secondary identification.
10 Defective part's identification
Identification of a defective part.
11 Repaired part's identification
Identification of a repaired part.
12 Alternate product identification
Alternate number to identify the product.
13 Non-promotional item
Used to indicate which trade item the promotional trade item replaces or coexists alongside. To enable the identification of the two trade items to be linked providing access to their information.