Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 7007 in D12A
Physical or logical state description code (an1..3)
Code specifying a physical or logical state.
Code | Description |
1 |
Split Separated into multiple units. |
2 |
Missing Absent or lacking. |
3 |
Wrong identification The actual identification is different from the given identification. |
4 |
Damaged In a damaged state. |
5 |
Good condition In a state of good condition. |
6 |
Wrong product The product is wrong. |
7 |
On hold Held, awaiting further action. |
8 |
Proposed The object is in a proposed state. |
9 |
Accepted The object is in an accepted state. |
10 |
Scheduled The object is in a scheduled state. |
11 |
Completed The object is in a completed state. |
12 |
Rejected The object is in a rejected state. |
13 |
Postponed The object is in a postponed state. |
14 |
Cancelled The object is in a cancelled state. |
15 |
Obsolete The object is obsolete. |
16 |
Fresh Retaining the original properties, not impaired by spoilage or preservation. |
17 |
Defective The object is defective or faulty. |
18 |
Solid A substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container. |
19 |
Gas Matter in a state where it occupies whatever volume is available. |
20 |
Liquid Matter in a state where it maintains a fixed volume but adapts to the shape of its container. |