Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 3301 in D12B

Enacting party identifier (an1..35)

To identify the party enacting an instruction.

Code Description
1 Applicant's bank
The financial institution which is requested to issue the documentary credit.
2 Issuing bank
The financial institution which issues the documentary credit, if the applicant's bank is not acting as the issuing bank.
3 Beneficiary's bank
The financial institution with which the beneficiary maintains an account.
4 Buyer
The buyer is responsible for carrying out the instruction.
5 Seller
The seller is responsible for carrying out the instruction.
6 Advise-through bank
Identifies the financial institution through which the advising bank is to advise the documentary credit.
7 Advising bank
Identifies the financial institution used by the issuing bank to advise the documentary credit.
8 Debtor's bank
Identifies the bank from whom payment is due.
9 Ordered bank
The financial institution with which the ordering party maintains an account.