Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 8025 in D12B

Conveyance call purpose description code (an1..3)

Code specifying the purpose of the conveyance call.

Code Description
1 Cargo operations
Discharging and/or loading of cargo.
2 Passenger movement
Embarking and/or disembarking of passengers.
3 Taking bunkers
Taking bunker (refuelling).
4 Changing crew
Changing crew member(s).
5 Goodwill visit
Friendly visit.
6 Taking supplies
Taking supplies.
7 Repair
To effect repair.
8 Laid-up
Inactive service.
9 Awaiting orders
Awaiting job order.
10 Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous purpose of call.
11 Crew movement
Embarking and/or disembarking of crews.
12 Cruise, leisure and recreation
To visit a port for cruise, leisure and recreation.
13 Under government order
This is a visit to a port which has been ordered by government.
14 Quarantine inspection
To have a quarantine inspection.
15 Refuge
To seek protection against something unpleasant and/or threatening such as bad weather or danger.
16 Unloading cargo
Discharging of cargo from the means of transport.
17 Loading cargo
Loading of cargo onto the means of transport.
18 Repair in dry dock
Vessel to undergo repair in a dry dock.
19 Repair in wet dock
Repair of a vessel in a dock without removing the surrounding water.
20 Cargo tank cleaning
Cargo tanks of the means of transport will be cleaned.
21 Means of transport customs clearance
Means of transport will be customs cleared.
22 De-gassing
Means of transport will be de-gassed.
23 Waste disposal
Means of transport will dispose of her waste.