Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 0579 in D13A
Key management function qualifier (an1..3)
Specification of the type of key management function.
Code | Description |
101 |
Registration submission Submission of information for registration. |
102 |
Asymmetric key pair request Request a trusted party to generate an asymmetric key pair. |
110 |
Certification request Request certification of credentials and public key. |
111 |
Certificate renewal request Request to extend the validity period of the current valid key, whose certificate is about to expire. |
112 |
Certificate replacement request Request to replace the current certificate by a new one with a different public key (and possibly other information). |
121 |
Certificate (path) retrieval request Request the delivery of an existing (valid or revoked) certificate, with path details where appropriate. |
123 |
Certificate list retrieval request Request full or partial list of certificate. |
124 |
Certificate status request Request current status of a given certificate. |
125 |
Certificate validation request Request the CA to validate an existing certificate. |
126 |
Certificate delivery request Request the CA to deliver a (valid or revoked) certificate to a list of recipients known to the CA or specified elsewhere. |
130 |
Revocation request Request revocation of a party's certificate. |
131 |
Alert request Request to put a party's certificate on alert. |
140 |
Revocation list request Request full or partial list of revoked certificates. |
150 |
Symmetric key request Request the delivery of symmetric keys. |
151 |
Symmetric key discontinuation request Request discontinuation of symmetric key. |
152 |
Asymmetric key discontinuation request Request discontinuation of asymmetric key. |
221 |
Certificate delivery Delivery of an existing (valid or revoked) certificate. |
222 |
Certificate path delivery Delivery of a path. |
224 |
Certificate status notice Notice of current status of a given certificate. |
225 |
Certificate validation notice Notice of validation of an existing certificate. |
231 |
Revocation confirmation Confirmation of revocation of a party's certificate. |
251 |
Symmetric key delivery Delivery of symmetric keys. |
252 |
Discontinuation acknowledgement Acknowledgement of the requested discontinuation. |