Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 4405 in D14B
Status description code (an1..3)
Code specifying a status.
Code | Description |
1 |
To be done Remark that the requested service in the order remains outstanding. |
2 |
Done The instruction has been completed. |
3 |
Passed on The information has been passed on. |
4 |
Final The amount has the status of finality. |
5 |
Subject to final payment The amount is subject to finality. |
6 |
Minimum The amount quoted is a minimum tariff. |
7 |
Fixed The amount quoted is a fixed tariff. |
8 |
Maximum The amount quoted is a maximum tariff. |
9 |
Information The amount is quoted for information only, it is not part of the charges to be deducted or added. |
10 |
0 day available The amount is available today. |
11 |
1 day available The amount is available on the next banking office day after the booking date. |
12 |
2 days available The amount is available on the second banking office day after the booking date. |
13 |
3 days available The amount available on the third banking office day after the booking date. |
14 |
Uncollected funds Funds not collected by beneficiary. |
15 |
Nil The amount or quantity is zero. |
16 |
None advised No status or condition has been advised. |
17 |
Requested A status or condition has been requested. |
18 |
Free of charge No charge is to be made. |
19 |
Rounded The quantity has been the subject of a rounding operation. |
20 |
Permanent Intended to last or function indefinitely. |
21 |
Temporary Lasting or intended to last or function for a limited time. |
22 |
Subject to agreed condition Subject to agreed condition. |
23 |
Added In addition to. |
24 |
Deducted A deduction from. |
25 |
Included Is included in. |
26 |
Subject to clearing Clearing operations are to be applied. |
27 |
Subject to bilaterally agreed condition Bilaterally agreed conditions are to be applied. |
28 |
Transaction expected to be executed The transaction is expected to be executed. |
29 |
Debit The object has a status of debit. |
30 |
Credit The object has a status of credit. |
31 |
Positive debit The object has a status of positive debit. |
32 |
Negative debit The object has a status of negative debit. |
33 |
Positive credit The object has a status of positive credit. |
34 |
Negative credit The object has a status of negative credit. |
35 |
Started To specify an event has started. |
36 |
Revised To indicate a revision has been made. |
37 |
Stolen A consignment or goods have been stolen. |
38 |
Assigned A value has been assigned to an item. |
39 |
Approved Approval has been given. |
40 |
Withdrawn Item is withdrawn. |
41 |
Rejected Item is rejected. |
42 |
Approval pending Approval is pending. |
43 |
Postponed Further action is delayed. |
44 |
Replaced Item has been replaced. |
45 |
No status There is no status information to report. |
46 |
Does not exist Non existent. |
47 |
Draft version A preliminary version. |
48 |
Live version A version with a live status. |
49 |
Expired version A version which no longer has a live status. |
50 |
Part-time Using only part of the available time. |
51 |
Full-time Using the whole of the available time. |
52 |
Not a student Not enrolled in an educational program. |
53 |
To be extracted To be removed. |
54 |
Impacted tooth Tooth wedged between another tooth and the jaw. |
55 |
Extracted Removed. |
56 |
Estimated The value is estimated. |
57 |
Undefined incident An undefined incident has occurred. |
58 |
Quantity error The quantity is an error. |
59 |
Monetary amount error The monetary amount is an error. |
60 |
Product not ordered The product was not ordered. |
61 |
Uncertain The value is uncertain. |
62 |
Significant Noteworthy. |
63 |
Not accepted The item has not been accepted. |
64 |
Order or request cancelled The referenced order or request has been cancelled. |
65 |
Negative Negative status. |
66 |
Unsigned amount The status of the amount is unsigned. |
67 |
Preliminary Preparatory to. |
68 |
Split Divided into parts. |
69 |
Recommended The object is favoured in preference to other alternatives. |
70 |
Issued Has been given out. |
71 |
Available for ordering Goods are available for ordering. |
72 |
Not available for ordering Goods are not available for ordering. |
73 |
Confirmed Officially acknowledged. |
74 |
Expiry date exceeded The expiry date has been exceeded. |
75 |
Prescribed Advised the use of. |
76 |
All published issues since subscription start Applies to all published issues since subscription start. |
77 |
All published issues since issue specified in claim Applies to all published issues since issue specified in claim. |
78 |
All published issues from and including issue specified in claim Applies to all published issues from and including issue specified in claim. |
79 |
Specified published issue only Applies to specified published issue only. |
80 |
Publication issue cancelled Publication issue has been cancelled. |
81 |
Definitive The status is definitive. |
82 |
Supplementary An addition to something. |
83 |
Under legal appeal An application to a court for a reconsideration of the decision. |
84 |
Legally assigned Transferred legally to another party. |
85 |
Updated Brought up to date. |
86 |
Ratified Made valid or binding by some formal or legal act. |
87 |
Under consideration Being considered. |
88 |
Countersued A response to institute legal proceedings in which an entity has filed a law suit. |
89 |
Legal item dismissed Refused further hearing to a legal matter. |
90 |
Disputed Questioned validity. |
91 |
Enforced Compelled observance. |
92 |
Legal documentation filed Submitted a petition, document or application to the appropriate authority. |
93 |
Judgement for defendant A judgement for the defendant was rendered. |
94 |
Judgement for plaintiff A judgement for the plaintiff was rendered. |
95 |
Unchanged Unaltered. |
96 |
Legal documentation not filed No petition, document or application was submitted to the appropriate authority. |
97 |
Pending Awaiting decision or settlement. |
98 |
Debt released Released a debt. |
99 |
Law suit filed A law suit was filed. |
100 |
Satisfied Adequately met, fulfilled or complied with all conditions. |
101 |
Set aside Set aside by using one's authority. |
102 |
Settled Concluded by mutual agreement. |
103 |
Settled out of court The matter has been settled out of court. |
104 |
Stayed A stopping of the proceedings. |
105 |
Terminated Brought to an end. |
106 |
Arranged Planned or provided for. |
107 |
Not arranged Not planned or provided for. |
108 |
Instructed to start Received instruction to start. |
109 |
Instructed to stop Received instruction to stop. |
110 |
Stock quantity corrected A difference in quantity between stocks has been corrected. |
111 |
Inactive Not in operation. |
112 |
Active In operation. |
113 |
Incomplete data The data is incomplete. |
114 |
Booked when overbooked The booking has been made although there is no more availability. |
115 |
Provisional The object is in a provisional status. |
116 |
Ticketed The ticket has been issued. |
117 |
Washed The object is washed. |
118 |
Unwashed The object is not washed. |
119 |
Out of date The information is out of date. |
120 |
Alternative The information is an alternative to the request. |
121 |
Complete Entire. |
122 |
Partial Not complete. |
123 |
Contracted Governed by a contract. |
124 |
Technically limited Governed by technical limitations. |
125 |
Adjusted The information is adjusted. |
126 |
Expected delivery The consignment which is/was expected. |
127 |
Measured The referenced item has been measured. |
128 |
Ready for loading The referenced item is ready for loading. |
129 |
Not heat treated The object is not heat treated. |
130 |
Heat treated The object is heat treated. |
131 |
Fully cooked The object is fully cooked. |
132 |
Not fully cooked The object is not fully cooked. |
133 |
Hothouse grown The object is hothouse grown. |
134 |
Knocked down The object is disassembled. |
135 |
Solid The object is a solid. |
136 |
Liquid The object is a liquid. |
137 |
Gas The object is in a gaseous form. |
138 |
Sludge The object is a semi-solid material. |
139 |
Normal security measures required Minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times on the means of transport. |
140 |
Heightened security measures required Appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident. |
141 |
Exceptional security measures required Specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target. |
142 |
Ship security procedures not maintained during ship-to-ship activity Ship security procedures, specified in the approved ship security plan, have not been maintained during each of the ship-to-ship activities specified. |
143 |
Ship security procedure maintained during ship-to-ship activity A confirmation that ship security procedures in terms of the approved in the Ship Security Plan were maintained during ship-to-ship activity. |
144 |
Special or additional security measures taken The ship has taken special or additional security measures, beyond those specified in the approved ship security plan. |
145 |
Security related matter to report A status indicating that there is a security related matter to report for the specified leg in the itinerary. |