Message D14B/FINCAN
Financial cancellation message
A Financial Cancellation Message is sent by the Ordering Customer (or Payor or Agent on behalf of the Ordering Customer) or by a third party having authority on the Ordering Customer's payments to the Ordered Bank to request cancellation of a given financial message or transaction. Throughout this document: - The term 'Original Message' refers to the message to be cancelled (in full or part thereof); the term 'originator' refers to the sender of the original message.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Financial cancellation message is FINCAN. Note: Financial cancellation messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 FINCAN 0052 D 0054 14B 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment for unique identification of the Financial Cancellation message, its type, number and function.
M(1) : Date/time/periodA segment containing the creation date of the Financial Cancellation Message.
C(1) : Business functionA segment providing information for routing of the message.
SG1 C(2) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the financial institutions involved in the Financial Cancellation message.
M(1) : Financial institution informationA segment identifying the financial institution which received the original message which this message refers to.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or department for the financial institution identified in the FII segment and to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment providing communication numbers for the financial institution identified in the FII segment and optionally for the contact identified in the associated CTA segment.
A group of segments identifying the parties involved in the exchange of the message and their contacts.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment identifying the two parties involved in the exchange of the message, i.e., the message sender and message recipient. The message sender should be identical to the originator of the original message (i.e. the message which contains instructions to be cancelled).
C(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment providing communication numbers for the party identified in the NAD segment and optionally for the contact identified in the associated CTA segment.
SG4 M(9999) : LIN-SG5
A group of segments identifying a message or transaction to be cancelled.
M(1) : Line itemA segment specifying the beginning of details referring to the message/transaction to be cancelled.
SG5 C(5) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments specifying reference numbers, dates and/or times needed to identify a referenced message or transaction.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment indicating reference number(s) for the message or transaction to be cancelled.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time of the referenced message or transaction.
C(5) : Control totalA segment identifying the type of control checks and totals.
SG6 C(5) : AUT-DTM
A segment specifying the details of any authentication (validation) procedure applied to the Financial Cancellation message.
M(1) : Authentication resultA segment specifying the details of any authentication (validation) procedure applied to the Financial Cancellation Message.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment defining the date and time of the authentication.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 1 BUS, Business function C 1 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 2 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ FII, Financial institution information M 1 | CTA, Contact information C 1 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 3 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | CTA, Contact information C 1 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M 9999 -------+ LIN, Line item M 1 | | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 5 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ CNT, Control total C 5 --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 5 -------+ AUT, Authentication result M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1