Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6331 in D15B

Statistic type code qualifier (an1..3)

Code qualifying the type of a statistic.

Code Description
1 Mean average
The type of statistic being reported is the mean average.
2 Median
The type of statistic being reported is the middle value of a series.
3 Estimate
The type of statistic being reported is an approximate judgement.
4 Efficiency performance
The type of statistic being reported is efficiency performance.
5 Process capability upper
The statistic being reported is the upper process capability.
6 Process capability lower
The statistic being reported is the lower process capability.
8 Range average
The type of statistic being reported is the range average.
9 Standard deviation
The type of statistic being reported is the standard deviation.
10 In limits
The type of statistic being reported is within limits.