Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 9417 in D15B

Government action code (an1..3)

Code specifying a type of government action such as inspection, detention, fumigation, security.

Code Description
1 Clearance
The cargo will be or has been cleared.
2 Detention
The cargo has been or will be detained.
3 Fumigation
The cargo has been or will be fumigated.
4 Inspection
The cargo has been or will be inspected.
5 Security
The cargo has been or will be secured.
6 Means of transport admittance
The means of transport will be or has been admitted.
7 Cargo hold inspection
The cargo hold has been or will be inspected.
8 Container inspection
The container has been or will be inspected.
9 Cargo packaging inspection
The cargo packaging has been or will be inspected.
10 Export certificate not required
Indication by exporter that they do not need certificate of export from Customs.