Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 3155 in D16B
Communication means type code (an1..3)
Code specifying the type of communication address.
Code | Description |
AA |
Circuit switching A process that, on demand, connects two or more data terminal equipments and permits the exclusive use of a data circuit between them until the connection is released (ISO). |
AB |
SITA Communications number assigned by Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques (SITA). |
AC |
ARINC Communications number assigned by Aeronautical Radio Inc. |
AD |
AT&T mailbox AT&T mailbox identifier. |
AE |
Peripheral device Peripheral device identification. |
AF |
U.S. Defense Switched Network The switched telecommunications network of the United States Department of Defense. |
AG |
U.S. federal telecommunications system The switched telecommunications network of the United States government. |
AH |
World Wide Web Data exchange via the World Wide Web. |
AI |
International calling country code Identifies that portion of an international telephone number representing the country code to be used when calling internationally. |
AJ |
Alternate telephone Identifies the alternate telephone number. |
AK |
Videotex number Code that identifies the communications number for the online videotex service. |
AL |
Cellular phone Identifies the cellular phone number. |
AM |
International telephone direct line The international telephone direct line number. |
AN |
O.F.T.P. (ODETTE File Transfer Protocol) ODETTE File Transfer Protocol. |
AO |
Uniform Resource Location (URL) Identification of the Uniform Resource Location (URL) Synonym: World wide web address. |
AP |
Very High Frequency (VHF) radio telephone VHF radio telephone. |
AQ |
X.400 address for mail text The X.400 address accepting information in the body text of a message. |
AR |
AS1 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS1 protocol for MIME based EDI . |
AS |
AS2 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS2 protocol. |
AT |
AS3 address Address capable of receiving messages in accordance with the EDIINT/AS3 protocol. |
AU |
File Transfer Protocol Address capable for receiving message in accordance with the File Transfer Protocol (IETF RFC 959 et. al.). |
AV |
Inmarsat call number Contact number based on Inmarsat. |
AW |
Radio communication call sign Contact number for radio communication based on call sign. |
CA |
Cable address The communication number identifies a cable address. |
EI |
EDI transmission Number identifying the service and service user. |
EM |
Electronic mail Exchange of mail by electronic means. |
EX |
Extension Telephone extension. |
FT |
File transfer access method According to ISO. |
FX |
Telefax Device used for transmitting and reproducing fixed graphic material (as printing) by means of signals over telephone lines or other electronic transmission media. |
GM |
GEIS (General Electric Information Service) mailbox The communication number identifies a GEIS mailbox. |
IE |
IBM information exchange The communication number identifies an IBM IE mailbox. |
IM |
Internal mail Internal mail address/number. |
MA |
Mail Postal service document delivery. |
PB |
Postbox number The communication number identifies a postbox. |
PS |
Packet switching The process of routing and transferring data by means of addressed packets so that a channel is occupied only during the transmission; upon completion of the transmission the channel is made available for the transfer of other packets (ISO). |
SW |
S.W.I.F.T. Communications address assigned by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications s.c. |
TE |
Telephone Voice/data transmission by telephone. |
TG |
Telegraph Text transmission via telegraph. |
TL |
Telex Transmission of text/data via telex. |
TM |
Telemail Transmission of text/data via telemail. |
TT |
Teletext Transmission of text/data via teletext. |
TX |
TWX Communication service involving Teletypewriter machines connected by wire or electronic transmission media. Teletypewriter machines are the devices used to send and receive signals and produce hardcopy from them. |
XF |
X.400 address The X.400 address. |
XG |
Pager Identifies that the communication number is for a pager. |
XH |
International telephone switchboard The international telephone switchboard number. |
XI |
National telephone direct line The national telephone direct line number. |
XJ |
National telephone switchboard The national telephone switchboard number. |