Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 7187 in D16B
Process type description code (an1..17)
Code specifying a type of process.
Code | Description |
1 |
Wood preparation A process to prepare wood. |
2 |
Causticizing Treatment with a caustic agent. |
3 |
Digesting A process of digesting. |
4 |
Brownstock washing Washing with brownstock. |
5 |
Bleaching Removing colour by treatment with an oxidizing agent (a bleach). |
6 |
Pulp drying The process of drying pulp. |
7 |
Freezing Freezing process. |
8 |
Processing of structured information The information to be processed is in structured form. |
9 |
Processing of identical information in structured and unstructured form The information to be processed is identical and given in structured and unstructured form. |
10 |
Processing of different information in structured and unstructured form The information to be processed is different and is given in structured and unstructured form. |
11 |
Processing of unstructured information The information to be processed is in unstructured form. |
12 |
Slaughter Slaughter process. |
13 |
Packing Packing process. |
14 |
Heat sterilisation Treated by heat sterilisation. |
15 |
Chemical sterilisation Treated by chemical sterilisation. |
16 |
Fumigation Treated by fumigation. |
17 |
Irradiation Treated by irradiation. |
18 |
Fueling Fueling process. |
19 |
Acceptance of business conditions Code specifying the process of accepting the terms and conditions under which business will be conducted. |
20 |
Pathology service The provision of a pathology service. |
21 |
Radiology service The provision of a radiology service. |
22 |
Contribution payment The payment of a contribution. |
23 |
Clinical donation The process of providing a clinical donation. |
24 |
Medical general practice The provision of general medical services. |
25 |
Specialist medical service The provision of specialist medical services, other than pathology or radiology. |
26 |
Dispensing of medicine The process performed by a pharmacist to prepare and dispense medicine according to a prescription. |
27 |
Planning The process of developing plans. |
28 |
Trading The process of trading. |
29 |
Operating The process of operating. |
30 |
Metering The process of metering. |
31 |
Settlement The process of settling. |
32 |
Chilling To reduce a product's temperature to above 273K. |
33 |
Collecting To gather or extract from a number of persons or sources. |
34 |
Cutting To penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument. |
35 |
Harvesting To gather, catch, hunt, or kill. |
36 |
Inspecting To examine officially. |
37 |
Manufacturing To make from raw materials by hand or by machinery. |
38 |
Preserving To can, pickle, or similarly prepare for future use. |
39 |
Processing To subject to or handle through an established usually routine set of procedures. |
40 |
Producing To make produce by growing. |
41 |
Rendering (agriculture) To extract by melting in order to extract proteins, fats, and other usable parts. |
42 |
Sampling To take a sample of or from the product. |
43 |
Storing To place or leave in a location (as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation. |
44 |
Transferring To convey from one person, place, or situation to another. |
45 |
Treating To act upon e.g. with some agent. |
46 |
Grinding Treated by grinding. |
47 |
Addition of secondary inhibitors The process of adding secondary inhibitors. |
48 |
Metals recovery The process of recovering metals e.g. retorting, smelting, chemical process. |
49 |
Solvents recovery The process of recovering solvents e.g. distillation, extraction. |
50 |
Recovery for reuse The process of recovering (reclaiming) materials for reuse, e.g. acid regeneration, organics recovery. |
51 |
Incineration The process of destruction through the application of heat. |
52 |
On-site fuel recovery The process of recovering a material for reuse as a fuel on the same site. |
53 |
Fuel blending The process of blending fuels. |
54 |
Chemical reduction The process of chemical reduction. |
55 |
Cyanide destruction The process of destruction through the application of cyanide. |
56 |
Chemical oxidation The process of chemical oxidation. |
57 |
Wet air oxidation The process of wet air oxidation. |
58 |
Chemical precipitation The process of chemical precipitation. |
59 |
Biological treatment The process of biological treatment. |
60 |
Adsorption The process of adsorption. |
61 |
Air or steam stripping The process of air or steam stripping. |
62 |
Dewatering The process of removing water. |
63 |
Absorption The process of absorption. |
64 |
Stabilization The process of stabilization e.g. chemical fixation. |
65 |
Macro-encapsulation The process of macro-encapsulation. |
66 |
Neutralization The process of neutralization. |
67 |
Evaporation The process of evaporation. |
68 |
Phase separation The process of phase separation. |
69 |
Unspecified treatment Treatment without specification. |
70 |
Landfill or surface impoundment disposal The process of disposing waste as landfill or in a surface impoundment that will be closed as landfill. |
71 |
Deep well or underground injection The process of filling up a deep well or underground pocket. |
72 |
Discharge to sewer The process of discharging materials into the public sewer system. |
73 |
Collection and storage, temporary The process of collecting and temporarily storing objects. |
74 |
Cold treatment The process of cold treatment. |
75 |
Hot air treatment The process of hot air treatment. |
76 |
Hot water treatment The process of hot water treatment. |
77 |
Methyl bromide treatment The process of treating with methyl bromide. |
78 |
Phosphine treatment The process of treating with phosphine. |
79 |
Depulping The process of removing pulp. |
80 |
Manual removal The process of removing by hand. |
81 |
Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation The process of fumigating with sulfuryl fluoride. |
82 |
Steam treatment The process of treating with steam. |
83 |
Vapor heat The process of treating with vapor heat. |
84 |
Assembling The process of assembling. |
85 |
Boiling The process of boiling. |
86 |
Canning The process of sealing in an airtight container. |
87 |
Chipping The process of chipping. |
88 |
Cleaning The process of making clean. |
89 |
Coating The process of coating. |
90 |
Dehydration The process of dehydrating. |
91 |
Devitalization The process of devitalizing. |
92 |
Disinfection The process of disinfecting. |
93 |
Drying The process of drying. |
94 |
Dyeing The process of dyeing. |
95 |
Heat treatment The process of heat treatment. |
96 |
Husking The process of removing husk. |
97 |
Liquification The process of liquifying. |
98 |
Shelling The process of removing shells. |
99 |
Washing The process of washing. |
100 |
Land treatment or application The process of using bio remediation for treating waste e.g. Tilling the land for aerating the waste. |
101 |
Pasteurization A process of heating a food, usually liquid, to a specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately. |
Mutually defined Process type mutually agreed between interchanging parties. |