Message D16B/CALINF
Vessel call information message
Notice from a liner agent to a stevedore providing information concerning the expected arrival of a vessel and the expected cargo operations. This message is part of a total set of container-related messages. These messages serve to facilitate the intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the information exchange. The business scenario for the container messages is clarified in a separate document, called: 'Guide to the scenario of EDIFACT container messages'.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Vessel call information message is CALINF. Note: Vessel call information messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 CALINF 0052 D 0054 16B 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number.
C(9) : Date/time/periodA segment to indicate a date and/or time applying to the whole message, such as date and time of document or message issue.
A group of segments to specify free format supplementary information and to describe totals to be loaded and/or discharged for certain general goods descriptions.
M(1) : Free textA segment to specify free format supplementary information and to specify the type of cargo by a general goods description, such as: - Change information - Additional instructions - Description of goods - general description.
C(9) : MeasurementsA segment to specify total measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to the specified general description of goods, such as: - Gross measurement or cube - Gross weight.
C(1) : Number of unitsA segment to specify the number of units relating to the specified general description of goods.
SG2 C(9) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments to specify a reference relating to the whole message, and its date and/or time.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment to provide a reference relating to the whole message, such as: - reference to previous message.
C(9) : Date/time/periodA segment to indicate date and/or time related to the reference.
SG3 M(9) : NAD-SG4
A group of segments to identify a party and related contacts.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment to identify a name and address of a party, such as: - message sender - message recipient - ordering customer/principal - ordering customer agent
SG4 C(9) : CTA-COM
A group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment to identify a person or department for the party, such as: - information contact
C(9) : Communication contactA segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom information should be directed.
A group of segments to specify details for the arriving means of transport.
M(1) : Transport informationA segment to identify the transport details of the arriving vessel, such as voyage number or indication of sea transport for the arriving means of transport at arrival (so, the discharge voyage number).
C(9) : Date/time/periodA segment to identify a date and time related to the arrival and departure of the means of transport, such as estimated date and time of arrival and departure.
C(9) : ReferenceA segment to identify a relevant reference number, such as: - Customs declaration number - shipping line reference - Voyage number or indication of sea transport for arriving means of transport at departure (so, the loading voyage number).
SG6 M(9) : LOC-DTM
A group of segments to identify locations related to the transport details.
M(1) : Place/location identificationA segment to identify locations related to the transport details, such as: - previous port of call - next port of call - place/port of discharge - place of berth - destination sailing area
C(9) : Date/time/periodA segment to specify date(s) and time(s) related to a location.
C(1) : DimensionsA segment to specify dimensions related to the arriving means of transport: - Water displacement dimensions (width and/or length and/or draught of vessel).
C(9) : Free textA segment to provide supplementary information related to the means of transport, such as: - additional remarks related to the transport - remarks
SG7 C(9) : QTY-FTX
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period C 9 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ FTX, Free text M 1 | MEA, Measurements C 9 | EQN, Number of units C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 9 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 9 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- M 9 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | | --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 9 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 9 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- M 1 -------+ TDT, Transport information M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 9 | RFF, Reference C 9 | | --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- M 9 ------+| LOC, Place/location identification M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 9 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| DIM, Dimensions C 1 | FTX, Free text C 9 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 9 -------+ QTY, Quantity M 1 | FTX, Free text C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1