Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 8393 in D17B

Returnable package load contents code (an1..3)

Code specifying the load contents for a returnable package.

Code Description
1 Loaded with empty 4-block for blocking purposes
Loaded with empty 4-block for blocking purposes.
2 Empty container with dunnage
The container is, has been, or will be returned with dunnage only.
3 Empty container
The container is, has been, or will be returned empty.
4 Loaded with production material
The package is, has been, or will be returned loaded with production material.
6 Obsolete material
The package is, has been, or will be returned loaded with obsolete material.
7 Loaded with excess returned production material
The package is, has been, or will be returned loaded with excess production material.
8 Loaded with rejected material
The package is, has been, or will be returned loaded with rejected material.
10 Loaded with returned processed material
The package is, has been, or will be returned loaded with processed material.
11 Empty container, folded
An empty container, which is folded.