
Message D17B/DIRDEB

Direct debit message

Prior to the Direct Debit procedure, some agreement(s) would usually have been concluded : - agreement between the Creditor and his Bank (mainly to specify the conditions of credit and the kind of direct debit). - agreement between the Debtor and the Debtor's Bank (i.e. pre- authorization and condition of debit), or between the Creditor and the Debtor. A Direct Debit is sent by the Creditor to the Creditor's Bank instructing it to claim specified amount(s) from the Debtor(s) and to credit the amount(s) to an account specified in the message, which the Creditor's Bank services for the Creditor in settlement of the referenced transaction(s). Throughout this document the term 'Creditor' refers to either a Beneficiary or a Payee, likewise the term 'Debtor' refers to either an Ordering Customer or a Payor. The term 'Bank' may be interpreted as any financial institution. The term 'pre-authorization' refers to an agreement between a Creditor and a Debtor for - either automatic debiting, as required, - or for debiting unless rejected by the debtor in a period of time. The agreement can also be made between the debtor and his bank, independently of the amount of the DIRDEB.

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Direct debit message is DIRDEB. Note: Direct debit messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DIRDEB 0052 D 0054 17B 0051 UN


M(1) : Beginning of message

A segment by means of which the sender must uniquely identify the DIRDEB message using its type (e.g., kind of pre-authorized instructions or not pre-authorized) and number and its function. The requirement for a response, e.g., related credit advices, may be indicated. Note: The identification of the DIRDEB will be passed back to the creditor for reconciliation purposes.


M(1) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date and/or time the message is created.


C(1) : Business function

A segment identifying certain characteristics of the DIRDEB, such as, its business function. In so doing, it provides information about the message that may be used to route the message within an institution, for tariffing, or for the provision of some statistical information.

SG1 C(2) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments identifying a previously sent message.


M(1) : Reference

A segment identifying a previously sent message.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date/time of the previously sent message.


A group of segments identifying the financial institutions involved in the direct debit, their functions and their contacts.


M(1) : Financial institution information

A segment identifying the financial institution associated with the transaction and their functions.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments identifying the name(s) and address(es) of each non-financial party involved in the transaction, their functions and their contacts.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties associated with the direct debit, in coded or uncoded form, and their functions.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments containing information regarding the credit side of the transaction and details which are pertinent to all direct debits specified within the group. Certain payment details may be provided either in segment group 4 or in segment group 11, but not in both.


M(1) : Line item

A segment identifying the beginning of the credit side of the transaction (B level) by a sequential line number, which may also be used for reconciliation purposes.


C(2) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date, at which an order has been requested to be executed or acted upon.


C(2) : Reference

A segment specifying reference of the single credit amount on the credit side of the transaction (B level). Note: The identification will be passed back to the creditor for reconciliation purposes.


C(1) : Business function

A segment identifying certain characteristics of the direct debits stored on the debit side of the transaction (C level), such as business function.


C(1) : Financial charges allocation

A segment specifying the method for allocation of charges and allowances and identifying the creditor's account to which such charges or allowances should be directed where it is different from the principal account. This constitutes a default specification and is mutually exclusive with the FCA segment in Segment Group 11.


A group of segments containing the currency of the single amounts on the debit side of the transaction (C level), currency to be collected, plus the total of all single amounts of the debit side of the transaction (C level).


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment specifying the total amount and the currency to be collected.


C(1) : Currencies

A segment specifying the source currency and the target currency of the transaction, when they are different. The rate of exchange is solely used when previously agreed between the creditor and the creditor's bank.


C(2) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the effective date and/or time the rate of exchange was fixed. The other occurrence identifies the reference date.


C(1) : Reference

A segment identifying other transactions to which funds associated with the direct debit are related such as separate foreign exchange deal.


A group of segments containing the account servicing bank including the account to be credited. If the creditor is not quoted separately in the NAD segment on the credit side of the transaction (B level), then this group also contains the information of the creditor.


M(1) : Financial institution information

A segment identifying the financial institution and relevant account number associated with the transaction, and their functions.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments identifying the creditor. Furthermore, one contact party can also be quoted in this group.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment identifying name and address of the non-financial institutions associated with the credit side of the transaction (B level).


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments containing instructions from the creditor relating to parties identified in the NAD and FII segments. It specifies action to be taken by the identified parties, and the date (and optionally time) by which such action needs to be taken.


M(1) : Parties and instruction

A segment identifying the party to enact the instruction and the parties to be contacted. It specifies where appropriate the instruction in coded form.


C(1) : Free text

A segment providing free text instruction relating to the associated INP segment.


C(2) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the earliest and latest dates and/or times by which the instruction specified in the INP and/or FTX segment(s) needs to be carried out.


A group of segments providing information for subsequent use by regulatory authorities requiring statistical and other types of data. It also identifies the regulatory authority for which the information is intended followed by the information itself. This group is mutually exclusive with Segment Group 15.


M(1) : Processing information

A segment identifying what processing should be completed for regulatory authorities.


C(1) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the amount and the currency of each transaction to be reported.


C(2) : Place/location identification

A segment giving the different origins/destinations (places) of goods/investment/services.


C(1) : Name and address

A segment identifying a party related to the associated informative text.


C(1) : Requirements and conditions

A segment giving the nature (e.g. goods, transport services) and direction of each transaction to be reported in coded form.


C(10) : Free text

A segment giving information in coded or in clear form to provide information relevant to regulatory authorities requirements.

SG10 C(1) : PRC-FTX

A group of segments giving information in free form about the purpose of the direct debit from the creditor to the debtors.


M(1) : Process identification

A segment identifying the kind of process at the debtor's side.


M(1) : Free text

A segment providing clear form information from the creditor to the debtor.

SG11 M(999999) : SEQ-MOA-DTM-BUS-RFF-PAI-FCA-SG12-SG13-SG14-SG15-SG16

This Segment Group contains information regarding the debtor(s) of the direct debit. Certain payment details may be provided either in Segment Group 11 or in Segment Group 4, but not in both.


M(1) : Sequence details

A segment identifying the beginning of the debit side of the transaction (C level) by a sequential number, which may also be used for reconciliation purposes.


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the amount of the direct debit. It is the amount to be collected. The currency is quoted on the credit side of the transaction (B level).


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying date(s)/time(s) to the debtor's side.


C(1) : Business function

A segment identifying business information for the direct debit.


C(3) : Reference

A segment identifying a transaction from the creditor to the debtor and/or from the creditor to the creditor's bank.


C(1) : Payment instructions

A segment specifying the conditions, method and channel of payment for the direct debit.


C(1) : Financial charges allocation

A segment specifying the method for allocation of charges and allowances and identifying the creditor's account to which such charges or allowances should be directed where it is different from the principal account. This segment is mutually exclusive with the FCA segment in Segment Group 4.


A group of segments containing the debtor's bank and the account and if necessary up to two intermediary banks.


M(1) : Financial institution information

A segment identifying the financial institution and relevant account number associated with the transaction, and their functions.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading FII segment to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments identifying the name and address of the debtor and one contact party.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment identifying names and addresses of the non- financial institutions associated with the direct debit on the debtor's side .


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading NAD segment to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment.


A group of segments containing instructions from the creditor relating to parties identified in the NAD and FII segments. It specifies action to be taken by the identified parties, and the date (and optionally time) by which such actions needs to be taken.


M(1) : Parties and instruction

A segment identifying the party to enact the instruction and the parties to be contacted. It specifies where appropriate the instruction in coded form.


C(1) : Free text

A segment providing free text instruction relating to the associated INP segment.


C(2) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the earliest and latest dates and/or times by which the instruction specified in the INP and/or FTX segment(s) needs to be carried out.


A group of segments providing information for subsequent use by regulatory authorities requiring statistical and other types of data. It also identifies the regulatory authority for which the information is intended followed by the information itself.


M(1) : Processing information

A segment identifying what processing should be completed for regulatory authorities.


C(1) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the amount and the currency of each transaction to be reported.


C(2) : Place/location identification

A segment giving the different origins/destinations (places) of goods/investment/services.


C(1) : Name and address

A segment identifying a party related to the associated informative text.


C(1) : Requirements and conditions

A segment giving the nature (e.g. goods, transport services) and direction of each transaction to be reported in coded form.


C(10) : Free text

A segment giving information in coded or in clear form to provide information relevant to regulatory authorities requirements.

SG16 C(1) : PRC-FTX-SG17-SG23

A group of segments containing the details of the direct debit. The content of these segments is passed through the banking chain from the creditor to the debtor.


M(1) : Process identification

A segment identifying the kind of processing at the debtor's side.


C(5) : Free text

A segment providing free text instruction(s) relating to the direct debit details.

SG17 C(9999) : DOC-MOA-DTM-RFF-NAD-SG18-SG19-SG20

A group of segments providing details of all documents e.g., invoices, statements, despatch advices, etc., to which the direct debit refers. It includes information on the monetary amounts for each document and on any adjustments (with an indication of the reason for adjustments) and discounts. For information purposes an indication of the tax element can be provided.


M(1) : Document/message details

A segment identifying the reference document against which payment is being made.


C(5) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the monetary amounts of each reference document (e.g., original amount, discount amount etc.). The amount due and the amount remitted are mandatory.


C(5) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date of the referenced document and indicating any other relevant dates applicable.


C(5) : Reference

A segment for the inclusion of any additional references related to the reference document.


C(2) : Name and address

A segment identifying a party name and address, either by coded identification or in a clear form.

SG18 C(5) : CUX-DTM

A group of segments specifying the currencies and the related dates/periods valid to the referenced document where different to the reference currency.


M(1) : Currencies

A segment identifying the currency and associated exchange rate of the referenced document where different to the remittance currency.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date/time/period related to the rate of exchange.


A group of segments indicating adjustment amounts and their referenced documents.


M(1) : Adjustment details

A segment indicating any adjustments to the amounts originally specified in the referenced document, and to which items such adjustments apply, with the associated reason for adjustment.


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the monetary amounts of the adjustments of each reference document (e.g. original amounts, discount amount, etc.). The currency data elements should not be used.


C(1) : Reference

A segment for the inclusion of any additional references related to the reference documents.


C(5) : Free text

A segment providing free text information related to the payment details.

SG20 C(1000) : DLI-MOA-PIA-DTM-SG21-SG22

A group of segments which may be used when required to provide details of individual line items in the reference document.


M(1) : Document line identification

A segment identifying a specific line item within the reference document.


M(5) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the monetary amounts for this line item.


C(5) : Additional product id

A segment specifying item identification codes where required.


C(5) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date/time/period related to the line item.

SG21 C(5) : CUX-DTM

A group of segments specifying the currencies and the related dates/periods valid to the referenced document where different to the reference currency.


M(1) : Currencies

A segment identifying the currency and associated exchange rate of the referenced document where different to the remittance currency.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date/time/period related to the rate of exchange.


A group of segments indicating adjustment amounts and their reference documents.


M(1) : Adjustment details

A segment indicating any adjustments to the amounts originally specified in the referenced document, and to which items such adjustments apply with the associated reason for adjustment.


M(1) : Monetary amount

A segment giving the monetary amounts of the adjustments of each reference document (e.g. original amounts, discount amounts, etc.). The currency data elements should not be used.


C(1) : Reference

A segment for the inclusion of any additional references related to the reference document.


C(5) : Free text

A segment providing free text information related to the payment details.

SG23 C(1) : GEI-MOA

A group of segments indicating the end of the details of payment and specifying hash total amounts for control purposes.


M(1) : Processing information

A segment identifying the end of the details of payment.


C(5) : Monetary amount

A segment indicating total amounts for control purposes.


C(5) : Control total

A segment providing information on control totals.

SG24 C(5) : AUT-DTM

A group of segments specifying details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the DIRDEB message.


M(1) : Authentication result

A segment specifying the details of any authentication (validation) procedures applied to the DIRDEB message.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the validation date/time.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1
BGM, Beginning of message                     M        1
DTM, Date/time/period                         M        1
BUS, Business function                        C        1

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C        2 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C        5 -------+
FII, Financial institution information        M        1        |
CTA, Contact information                      C        1        |
COM, Communication contact                    C        5        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C        3 -------+
NAD, Name and address                         M        1        |
CTA, Contact information                      C        1        |
COM, Communication contact                    C        5        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M     9999 -------+
LIN, Line item                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        2        |
RFF, Reference                                C        2        |
BUS, Business function                        C        1        |
FCA, Financial charges allocation             C        1        |
--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C        1 ------+|
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1       ||
CUX, Currencies                               C        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        2       ||
RFF, Reference                                C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- M        1 ------+|
FII, Financial institution information        M        1       ||
CTA, Contact information                      C        1       ||
COM, Communication contact                    C        5       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C        3 ------+|
NAD, Name and address                         M        1       ||
CTA, Contact information                      C        1       ||
COM, Communication contact                    C        5       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C        1 ------+|
INP, Parties and instruction                  M        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        2       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C       10 ------+|
GEI, Processing information                   M        1       ||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        1       ||
LOC, Place/location identification            C        2       ||
NAD, Name and address                         C        1       ||
RCS, Requirements and conditions              C        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C       10       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C        1 ------+|
PRC, Process identification                   M        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                M        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ M   999999 ------+|
SEQ, Sequence details                         M        1       ||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
BUS, Business function                        C        1       ||
RFF, Reference                                C        3       ||
PAI, Payment instructions                     C        1       ||
FCA, Financial charges allocation             C        1       ||
--- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ C        3 -----+||
FII, Financial institution information        M        1      |||
CTA, Contact information                      C        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        5      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ C        3 -----+||
NAD, Name and address                         M        1      |||
CTA, Contact information                      C        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        5      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 14 ------------------------ C        3 -----+||
INP, Parties and instruction                  M        1      |||
FTX, Free text                                C        1      |||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        2      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 15 ------------------------ C       10 -----+||
GEI, Processing information                   M        1      |||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        1      |||
LOC, Place/location identification            C        2      |||
NAD, Name and address                         C        1      |||
RCS, Requirements and conditions              C        1      |||
FTX, Free text                                C       10      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+||
--- Segment Group 16 ------------------------ C        1 -----+||
PRC, Process identification                   M        1      |||
FTX, Free text                                C        5      |||
--- Segment Group 17 ------------------------ C     9999 ----+|||
DOC, Document/message details                 M        1     ||||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        5     ||||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        5     ||||
RFF, Reference                                C        5     ||||
NAD, Name and address                         C        2     ||||
--- Segment Group 18 ------------------------ C        5 ---+||||
CUX, Currencies                               M        1    |||||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1    |||||
---- -------------------------------------------------------+||||
--- Segment Group 19 ------------------------ C      100 ---+||||
AJT, Adjustment details                       M        1    |||||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1    |||||
RFF, Reference                                C        1    |||||
FTX, Free text                                C        5    |||||
---- -------------------------------------------------------+||||
--- Segment Group 20 ------------------------ C     1000 ---+||||
DLI, Document line identification             M        1    |||||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        5    |||||
PIA, Additional product id                    C        5    |||||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        5    |||||
--- Segment Group 21 ------------------------ C        5 --+|||||
CUX, Currencies                               M        1   ||||||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1   ||||||
---- ------------------------------------------------------+|||||
--- Segment Group 22 ------------------------ C       10 --+|||||
AJT, Adjustment details                       M        1   ||||||
MOA, Monetary amount                          M        1   ||||||
RFF, Reference                                C        1   ||||||
FTX, Free text                                C        5   ||||||
---- ------------------------------------------------------+++|||
--- Segment Group 23 ------------------------ C        1 ----+|||
GEI, Processing information                   M        1     ||||
MOA, Monetary amount                          C        5     ||||
---- --------------------------------------------------------++++
CNT, Control total                            C        5

--- Segment Group 24 ------------------------ C        5 -------+
AUT, Authentication result                    M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1