Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 9015 in D18A

Status category code (an1..3)

Code specifying the category of a status.

Code Description
1 Transport
Status type is related to transport.
2 Order administration
Status type is related to order administration.
3 Inspection result
To specify the result of an inspection.
4 Publication issue claim
The status reported is related to a publication issue claim.
5 Legal category
Status category is of, related to or concerned with the law.
6 Contract
The status reported is related to a contract.
7 Transaction
The status reported is related to a transaction.
8 Meter reading quality
The quality of a meter reading.
9 Capacity
The status reported is related to a capacity.
10 Measurement classification
The status is related to the categorization of measurement.
11 Transport means security status
A code describing the security status of a means of transport including security certification status of the transport means and status of maintained or required security procedures during transport operations.
12 Activity
The status reported is related to an activity.
13 Claim
The status reported is related to a claim.
14 Order
The status reported relates to an order.
15 Cash on delivery order
The status reported relates to a cash on delivery order.
16 Urgent order
The status reported relates to an urgent order.
17 Previous call off order
The status reported relates to a previous call off order.