
Message D18A/COPRAR

Container discharge/loading order message

A message to order to the container terminal that the containers specified have to be discharged from a seagoing vessel or have to be loaded into a seagoing vessel. This message is part of a total set of container-related messages. These messages serve to facilitate the intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the information exchange. The business scenario for the container messages is clarified in a separate document, called: 'Guide to the scenario of EDIFACT container messages'.

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Container discharge/loading order message is COPRAR. Note: Container discharge/loading order messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 COPRAR 0052 D 0054 18A 0051 UN


M(1) : Beginning of message

A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number and the further specification of the message type (in data element 1001: Document name code), such as Loading order, Discharge order.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate a date and/or time applying to the whole message, such as date and time of document or message issue.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information, such as: - change information

SG1 C(9) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments to specify a reference relating to the whole message, and its date and/or time.


M(1) : Reference

A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message, such as: - container discharge/loading order reference - reference to previous message


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to indicate date and/or time related to the reference.


A group of segments to indicate the main carriage means of transport.


M(1) : Transport information

A segment identifying the voyage of the vessel relevant to the message (main transport).


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the date(s) and time(s) related to the main carriage.


C(9) : Reference

A segment identifying a relevant reference number, such as: - shipping - syndicate - marketing organization - conference code

SG3 C(9) : LOC-DTM

A group of segments to identify locations related to the means of transport.


M(1) : Place/location identification

A segment to identify a location related to the means of transport, such as: - place of departure/arrival (terminal within the port)


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify date(s) and time(s) related to a location.


C(9) : Free text

A segment giving supplementary information related to the vessel, such as: - transport details remarks

SG4 M(9) : NAD-SG5

A group of segments to identify a party and related contacts.


M(1) : Name and address

A segment to identify the party's name, address, and function, and other addresses, such as: - message recipient - message sender - ordering customer - ordering customer agent

SG5 C(9) : CTA-COM

A group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department of a message sender and/or message recipient, such as: - information contact


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed.


SG8-EQA-HAN-SG10-NAD A group of segments to specify containers or groups of containers (in case of guidelines) that are either to be loaded or to be discharged.


M(1) : Equipment details

A segment identifying a container, container size/type. The equipment status may be e.g. import, export, transhipment, shifter.


C(9) : Reference

A segment identifying a relevant reference number, such as: - container sequence number - upper equipment serial number of range - lower equipment serial number of range - carrier agent's reference numbers - shipping syndicate - marketing organization - container prefix - first part of container number


C(1) : Number of units

A segment to specify the number of containers in one guideline that meets the same equipment details information.


C(9) : Transport movement details

A segment to indicate a Full Container Load (FCL) or a Less than Full Container Load (LCL).


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to identify a date/time related to the equipment, such as: - actual arrival/departure date/time - CSC expiration date (International Convention for Safe Containers)


C(9) : Place/location identification

A segment to identify a location or country related to the equipment, such as: - stowage cell - (final) place/port of discharge - transhipment place - place of delivery - country of origin/destination


C(9) : Measurements

A segment specifying a physical measurement related to the equipment, such as: - gross weight


C(9) : Dimensions

A segment specifying physical dimensions related to the equipment, such as: - gross dimensions - off standard dimension general - off standard dimension left - off standard dimension right - off standard dimension back - off standard dimension front

SG7 C(9) : TMP-RNG

A segment group to identify transport related temperature settings.


M(1) : Temperature

A segment which identifies the transport temperature setting of the container.


C(1) : Range details

A segment to specify the transport temperature range setting of the container.


C(9) : Seal number

A segment identifying a seal number related to the equipment.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to specify supplementary information related to the equipment, such as: - blockade reason - government inspection service - container loading remarks - container remarks - container order information - additional remarks concerning the container - container safety convention plate - continuous examination program (ACEP)


C(9) : Percentage details

A segment to specify percentages related to the equipment such as percentage humidity.


A group of segment to specify dangerous goods details.


M(1) : Dangerous goods

A segment to identify the UN-number and the class of the dangerous goods loaded in the container.


C(9) : Free text

A segment to give additional information regarding dangerous goods.


C(9) : Measurements

A segment to specify measurements of the dangerous goods, such as: - net net weight

SG9 C(9) : CTA-COM

A group of segments to specify contact information.


M(1) : Contact information

A segment to identify a person or department to be contacted regarding dangerous goods.


C(9) : Communication contact

A segment to specify communication details of the dangerous goods contact.


C(9) : Attached equipment

A segment to identify clip-on units, such as: - generator sets


C(9) : Handling instructions

A segment to specify handling instructions related to the container equipment.

SG10 C(1) : TDT-DTM-RFF-SG11

A group of segments to specify the planned on-carriage details in case this message is a discharge order message.


M(1) : Transport information

A segment identifying the on-carriage transport details of the mode, means of transport by which the container will depart after being discharged.


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify the date(s) and time(s) related to the on-carriage transport.


C(9) : Reference

A segment identifying a relevant reference number, such as: - shipping line - syndicate - marketing organization - conference code

SG11 C(9) : LOC-DTM

A group of segments to specify locations related to the on- carriage transport.


M(1) : Place/location identification

A segment identifying locations related to the transport details, such as: - place of departure


C(9) : Date/time/period

A segment to specify a date and time related to an on- carriage location.


C(9) : Name and address

A segment to specify a related address or party, such as: - container operator


C(1) : Control total

A segment to specify the number of containers in the message, explicitly given by the sender.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1
BGM, Beginning of message                     M        1
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9
FTX, Free text                                C        9

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C        9 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- M        1 -------+
TDT, Transport information                    M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
RFF, Reference                                C        9        |
--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C        9 ------+|
LOC, Place/location identification            M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M        9 -------+
NAD, Name and address                         M        1        |
--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C        9 ------+|
CTA, Contact information                      M        1       ||
COM, Communication contact                    C        9       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------++

--- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- M     9999 -------+
EQD, Equipment details                        M        1        |
RFF, Reference                                C        9        |
EQN, Number of units                          C        1        |
TMD, Transport movement details               C        9        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9        |
LOC, Place/location identification            C        9        |
MEA, Measurements                             C        9        |
DIM, Dimensions                               C        9        |
--- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C        9 ------+|
TMP, Temperature                              M        1       ||
RNG, Range details                            C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
SEL, Seal number                              C        9        |
FTX, Free text                                C        9        |
PCD, Percentage details                       C        9        |
--- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C       99 ------+|
DGS, Dangerous goods                          M        1       ||
FTX, Free text                                C        9       ||
MEA, Measurements                             C        9       ||
--- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C        9 -----+||
CTA, Contact information                      M        1      |||
COM, Communication contact                    C        9      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
EQA, Attached equipment                       C        9        |
HAN, Handling instructions                    C        9        |
--- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C        1 ------+|
TDT, Transport information                    M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9       ||
RFF, Reference                                C        9       ||
--- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C        9 -----+||
LOC, Place/location identification            M        1      |||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        9      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------++|
NAD, Name and address                         C        9        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
CNT, Control total                            C        1
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1