Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 8273 in D93A
Dangerous goods regulations, coded (an1..3)
Code indicating the regulation, international or national, applicable for a means of transport.
Code | Description |
UI |
UK IMO book Description to be provided. |
European agreement regarding the total carriage of dangerous goods European agreement regarding the total carriage of dangerous goods by road. |
49 code of federal regulations US federal regulations issued by the US Dept. of transportation covering the domestic transportation of dangerous goods by truck, rail, water and air. |
IATA ICAO Regulations covering the international transportation of dangerous goods issued by the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organization. |
IMO IMDG code Regulations regarding the transportation of dangerous goods on ocean-going vessels issued by the International Maritime Organization. |
Rail/road dangerous goods book (RID) International reglementation in dangerous goods transportation, applicable in Rail and Road environment. RID is the abbreviation of "Reglement International des marchandises Dangereuses". |
Transport emergency trem card Description to be provided. |