Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 0007 in D95B
Partner identification code qualifier (an1..4)
Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners.
Code | Description |
1 |
DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) Self explanatory. |
4 |
IATA (International Air Transport Association) Self explanatory. |
5 |
INSEE/SIRET Self explanatory. |
8 |
UCC Communications ID (Uniform Code Council Communications Identifier) The Uniform Code Council Communications Identifier is a ten digit code used to uniquely identify physical and logical locations. |
9 |
DUNS with 4 digit suffix Self explanatory. |
12 |
Telephone number Self explanatory. |
14 |
EAN (European Article Numbering Association) Self explanatory. |
18 |
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Self explanatory. |
22 |
INSEE/SIREN Self explanatory. |
30 |
ISO 6523: Organization identification Self explanatory. |
31 |
DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung) German standardization institute. |
33 |
BfA (Bundesversicherungsanstalt fuer Angestellte) German social security association. |
34 |
National Statistical Agency Self explanatory. |
51 |
General Electric Information Services Self explanatory. |
52 |
IBM Network Services Self explanatory. |
53 |
Datenzentrale des Einzelhandels, Germany German data centre for retail trade. |
54 |
Bundesverband der Deutschen Baustoffhaendler, Germany German building material trade association. |
55 |
Bank identifier code Self explanatory. |
56 |
Statens Teleforvaltning Norwegian telecommunications regulatory authority (NTRA). |
57 |
KTNet Korea Trade Network Services. |
58 |
UPU (Universal Postal Union) Self explanatory. |
59 |
ODETTE Organization for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe (European automotive industry project). |
61 |
SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) Directory of standard multimodal carriers and tariff agent codes. The SCAC lists and codes transportation companies. |
63 |
ECA (Electronic Commerce Australia) Australian association for electronic commerce. |
65 |
TELEBOX 400 (Deutsche Bundespost) German post office. |
80 |
NHS (National Health Service) United Kingdom National Health Service. |
84 |
Athens Chamber of Commerce Greek Chamber of Commerce. |
85 |
Swiss Chamber of Commerce Swiss Chamber of Commerce. |
86 |
US Council for International Business United States Council for International Business. |
87 |
National Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Belguim National Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. |
91 |
Assigned by seller or seller's agent Self explanatory. |
92 |
Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent Self explanatory. |
Mutually defined Self explanatory. |