Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 4383 in D99A

Bank operation, coded (an1..3)

Describe the method to transfer funds in coded form.

Code Description
AAA Transfer according to bilaterally agreed standards
The transfer is to be executed according to bilaterally agreed standards.
ABX Automated bills of exchange
The payment has been done by automated bills of exchange.
BEX Bills of exchange
The payment has been done by bills of exchange.
BGI Bankgiro
The payment was originally made by bankgiro.
BKD Bank draft
Original payment was made by bank draft.
BKI Bank initiated
Self explanatory.
CAL Cash letter
The payment has been done by a cash letter.
CHG Charges
Self explanatory.
CHI Cheque international
The financial operation has been done by international cheque.
CHN Cheque national
The financial operation has been done by national cheque.
CLR Clearing
The financial operation has been done by a clearing system.
COL Collection
The financial operation is collection.
COM Commission
Self explanatory.
CON Cash concentration
An aggregation of funds from different accounts into a single account.
CPP Cash payment by post
The financial operation has been done by cash payment by post.
CUX Currencies
Buying or selling of foreign notes.
DDT Direct debit
The financial operation is direct debit.
DEP Deposit cash operation
The financial operation is by deposit cash.
FEX Foreign exchange
The financial operation is by foreign exchange.
FGI Free format giro
INT Interest
Self explanatory.
LOC Letter of credit
The financial operation is a letter of credit.
LOK Lockbox
Type of cash management system offered by financial institutions to provide for collection of customers 'receivables'.
MSC Miscellaneous
Self explanatory.
PAC Payment card
Relating to credit, debit, guarantee or charge card.
PGI Postgiro
The financial operation has been done by postgiro.
POS Point of sale
The financial operation is point of sale.
REC Returned cheques
Self explanatory.
RET Returned items
Self explanatory.
RGI Reference giro
Payments was done by a special service, for low priority payments. Finnish national bank service.
RTR Returned transfers
The financial operation has been done by returned transfers.
SEC Securities
Self explanatory.
STO Standing order
The financial operation is done by a standing order.
TCK Traveller's cheque
The financial operation is done by traveller's cheque.
TRF Transfer
The financial operation is done by transfer.
UGI Urgent giro
Payment was made by special bank service, for high priority payments. Finnish national bank service.
VDA Value date adjustment
The financial operation has adjusted value date.
WDL Withdrawal cash operation
The financial operation is a withdrawal cash operation.
ZZZ Mutually defined
Self explanatory.