Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 5125 in D99A

Price qualifier (an1..3)

Identification of a type of price.

Code Description
AAA Calculation net
The price stated is the net price including allowances/ charges. Allowances/charges may be stated for information only.
AAB Calculation gross
The price stated is the gross price to which allowances/ charges must be applied.
AAC Allowances and charges not included, tax included
The price does not include the allowances and charges, but includes the taxes.
AAD Average selling price
Average selling price of a product.
AAE Information price, excluding allowances or charges, including taxes
The price stated is for information purposes only and excludes all allowances and charges. Taxes however are included in the price.
AAF Information price, excluding allowances or charges, and taxes
The price stated is for information purposes only and excludes all allowances, charges and taxes.
AAG Additive unit price component
A code to indicate that the price described is an additive component of the total price.
CAL Calculation price
The price stated is the price for the calculation of the line item amount.
INF Information
The price is provided for information.
INV Invoice price
Referenced price taken from an invoice.