Qualifier Value

Qualifier values of 6343 in D99A

Currency qualifier (an1..3)

Code giving specific meaning to data element 6345 Currency.

Code Description
1 Customs valuation currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit involved in the transaction for customs valuation.
2 Insurance currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit involved in the transaction for insurance purposes.
3 Home currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit.
4 Invoicing currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for calculation in an invoice.
5 Account currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted from.
6 Reference currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted.
7 Target currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted into.
8 Price list currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in a price list.
9 Order currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in an order.
10 Pricing currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for pricing purposes.
11 Payment currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for payment.
12 Quotation currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in a quotation.
13 Recipient local currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit at recipient's location.
14 Supplier currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit normally used by the supplier.
15 Sender local currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit at sender's location.
16 Tariff currency
The currency as per tariff.
17 Charge calculation currency
The currency in which the charges are calculated.
18 Tax currency
The currency in which tax amounts are due or have been paid.