Message D99B/CNTCND
Contractual conditions message
A message sent by a customer to a supplier and other interested parties providing the contractual conditions of a previously negotiated contract in order to enable the automatic processing of invoices for orders which have been made against the contract or for the completion of identified stages within the contract.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Contractual conditions message is CNTCND. Note: Contractual conditions messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 CNTCND 0052 D 0054 99B 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment by which the sender uniquely identifies the Contractual conditions message by means of its type and number (for example, contract number).
M(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must be specified at least once to identify the emission date.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment specifying additional information such as special conditions which are relevant to the whole contract.
C(99) : Agreement identificationA segment specifying specific agreements for the contract such as contract breakdown.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying the total monetary amounts for the contract (for example, maximum contract amount, minimum contract amount, or total contract amount).
C(99) : General indicatorA segment specifying general processing indicators such as whether or not partial invoicing is permitted.
C(99) : Payment instructionsA segment requesting or confirming conditions of payment, guarantee and method of payment for the whole contract. An example of the use of this segment is to specify that a documentary credit will be used.
C(99) : Terms of delivery or transportA segment identifying the delivery terms to be used e.g., UN INCOTERMS code could be used to specify the delivery terms.
C(99) : Free textA segment with free text in coded or clear form, to give further clarification, when required, for the contract, for example the objective of the contract.
SG1 C(99) : RFF-DTM
A segment group to provide information such as contract revisions and, where necessary, their dates.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment identifying reference information about the contract, such as contract revisions, by their number and where appropriate, the version number.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time related to the referenced information.
SG2 C(99) : PRI-RNG
A group of segments specifying prices which will be applied to given ranges of purchase quantities for the whole contract.
M(1) : Price detailsA segment to specify the price type and amount. For example, the price which is to be applied depending on a given range of purchase quantities.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, a range for the application of the price.
SG3 C(99) : QTY-DTM
A group of segments specifying quantities which are provisional or firm options to be taken up within a given date for the whole contract.
M(1) : QuantityA segment specifying the maximum quantity as provisional of firm option for the whole contract.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment to indicate the validity period in relation to the specified quantity.
A group of segments specifying information related to documents which can modify the contractual conditions with any associated dates and eventually a textual description.
M(1) : Document/message detailsA segment identifying the document which can modify the contractual conditions and eventually its type.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment to indicate any associated dates such as the date of issue of the document.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment identifying reference information about the document, such as the identification of a canceled service order.
C(99) : Free textA segment with free text in coded or clear form, to give further clarification, when required, for the document, for example the objective of the document.
SG5 C(99) : CUX-DTM
A group of segments specifying the currencies and related dates/periods valid for the whole contract. Currency data may be omitted in national applications but will be required for international transactions.
M(1) : CurrenciesA segment identifying the currencies required in the contract e.g., the order currency. A rate of exchange may be given to convert a reference currency into a target currency.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date, time or period related to the rate of exchange.
SG6 C(99) : TAX-MOA
A group of segments specifying tax related information.
M(1) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment specifying a tax type, category and rate, or exemption, relating to the whole contract e.g., Value Added Tax (VAT) at the standard rate is applicable for all items.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying the amount for the identified tax or fee.
A segment group specifying the terms of payment and accounting classifications applicable to the entire message.
M(1) : Payment terms basisA segment identifying the payment terms and date or time basis.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment giving the specific date, time or period, if needed, of any payments, discounts, instalments etc.
C(99) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying the discount, interest, penalty as well as instalment percentage.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying the amount associated with the specified accounting classification reference number data and payment information.
A group of segments identifying the parties relevant to the whole contract with associated information such as bank account information, references, and free text information.
M(1) : Sequence detailsA segment identifying a sequence for the names and addresses of parties.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment identifying names and addresses of parties, in coded or clear form, and their function relevant for the contract. Identification of the supplier or suppliers and the contracting customer is mandatory for the contractual conditions message. Other parties such as the service or services which may issue orders, quality control parties, accounting office, invoicing office may also be identified.
C(99) : General indicatorA segment providing general processing indicators such as processing characteristics for the parties.
C(9) : Financial institution informationA segment specifying bank account information in relation to the party being described.
C(99) : Free textA segment with free text in coded or clear form, to give further clarification, when required.
SG9 C(99) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying references and eventually their associated dates.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment specifying reference information such as the VAT office, sub-contractors, the date or time related to the referenced information.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time related to the referenced information.
SG10 C(99) : CTA-COM
A segment group providing contacts and communications numbers associated with the dangerous goods information.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment identifying to whom communications should be directed.
C(99) : Communication contactA segment identifying communication numbers of the contacts to whom communications should be directed.
SG11 C(99) : REL-NAD-RFF
A segment group providing information about related parties and any eventual references.
M(1) : RelationshipA segment identifying the relationship a party has with another party, such as to whom a given contractor sub- contracts to.
C(99) : Name and addressA segment identifying the party in the relationship.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment identifying any references associated with the party in the relationship.
SG12 M(99) : ALC-ALI-DTM-SG13-SG14-SG15-SG16-SG17-SG18
A group of segments specifying allowances and charges for the whole contract.
M(1) : Allowance or chargeA segment identifying the charge or allowance and, where necessary, its calculation sequence.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment indicating that the allowance or charge specified is subject to special conditions owing to origin, customs preference or commercial factors.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment to identify the date, time or period information related to the allowance or charge, e.g., period of validity.
SG13 C(99) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the references to the allowances and charges and eventually their associated dates.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment specifying reference information such as the VAT office, sub-contractors, the date or time related to the referenced information.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time related to the referenced information.
SG14 C(99) : QTY-RNG
A group of segments specifying the quantity of the allowance or charge with its measure unit specifier. A range to which the allowance or charge applies may be specified, e.g., an allowance of a free quantity of 20 pieces may be specified if the goods quantity contracted is greater than 1000 pieces.
M(1) : QuantityA segment identifying the type of quantity and the quantity related to the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, the range to which the allowance or charge applies.
SG15 C(99) : PCD-RNG
A group of segments specifying the percentage for the allowance or charge e.g., The allowance/charge amount is calculated as 5% of the goods value or a price reduction of 5% may be specified if the goods quantity contracted is within the range 5 tons to 10 tons.
M(1) : Percentage detailsA segment identifying the percentage and the percentage basis for the calculation of the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, a range for the application of the percentage.
SG16 C(99) : RTE-RNG
A group of segments specifying the rate per unit and basis to which the allowance or charge applies e.g., The allowance or charge amount is 3 DEM (Deutsche Mark) per 10 tons.
M(1) : Rate detailsA segment specifying the rate per unit and the basis for calculation.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, the range for the application of the allowance or charge rate.
SG17 C(99) : MOA-RNG-DTM
A group of segments specifying a monetary amount for an allowance or charge. A range to which the allowance or charge applies can be specified e.g., an allowance of 5000 BEF (Belgian Francs) may be specified if goods value contracted is greater than 100000 BEF (Belgian Francs).
M(1) : Monetary amountA segment identifying the monetary amount for the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, a range for the application of the allowance or charge amount.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the referenced information.
SG18 C(99) : TAX-MOA
A group of segments specifying tax related information for the allowance or charge.
M(1) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment specifying the tax type, category and rate, or exemption, related to the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying the tax amount for the allowance or charge.
A segment group defining a formula, such as a price variation formula.
M(1) : FormulaA segment identifying a specific formula, by its number and type.
C(99) : General indicatorA segment identifying general processing indicators for the formula.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment specifying additional information about the formula, such as its degree of complexity.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment specifying the reference information in relation to the formula, for example the number of an identified ceiling.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the formula, such as dates of validity.
A segment group defining each of the elements of a formula.
M(1) : Formula sequenceA segment identifying a specific element of a formula. A sequence number provides the mathematical positioning of the element.
C(99) : Rate detailsA segment specifying, where necessary, static coefficients which are employed in the element of the formula.
C(99) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying ,where necessary, static percentages which are employed in the element of the formula.
C(99) : MeasurementsA segment specifying the unit of measure for the element of the formula.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying any amounts required in the element of the formula, such as the basis for the calculation.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment identifying the complementary information in relation to the element of the formula for example the number of the ceiling formula.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the element of the formula.
A group of segments providing the different indexes which can be used in the element of the formula. Within a formula element only one index is generally used.
M(1) : Index detailsA segment identifying the index by its code and, where necessary, its value.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment providing additional information in relation to the index.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying date, time or period details in relation to the index for example its period of validity.
C(99) : QuantityA segment specifying quantities in relation to the index, such as the number of months to be considered.
SG27-SG29-SG36-SG37-SG38-SG40 A group of segments identifying for a given contract decomposition, the parties involved and associated information.
M(1) : Line itemA segment identifying the breakdown of the contract, such as contract sections.
C(99) : Additional product idA segment providing either additional identification to the information specified in the LIN segment (e.g., Harmonized System number), or provides any substitute identification.
C(99) : Item descriptionA segment for describing the information about the item being described.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment indicating any monetary amounts associated the item being described. For example the total amount contracted for the part of the contract being described.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying date, time or period details in relation to the specific section, for example the duration of the section.
C(99) : Free textA segment with free text in coded or clear form, to give further clarification, for example the objective of the section, when required.
SG23 C(99) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the references for the item being described and eventually their associated dates.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment identifying the complementary information in relation to the section for example the number of the price variation formula to be used for the section.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time related to the element of the formula.
SG24 C(99) : TAX-MOA
A group of segments providing the tax values and their monetary amounts for a section.
M(1) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment indicating tax information in relation to the item being described, such as the VAT value to be charged for a section in the contract.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount for the tax information.
A group of segments providing general process indicators associated with the item being described segment and any information associated with the processing indicator.
M(1) : General indicatorA segment indicating general processing information in relation to the item being described, such as an indication of whether or not cautions are required.
C(99) : Rate detailsA segment indicating rates which are associated with the processing indicator, such as indemnity rate.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying a monetary amount in relation with the processing indicator, such as indemnity amount.
C(99) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment indicating tax information in relation to the processing indicator, such as the VAT value to be charged.
C(99) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying percentages such as the percentage work in progress necessary before recovering advance instalments.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date, time or period related to the processing indicator, such as the period duration.
SG26 C(99) : QTY-DTM
A group of segments identifying the formulas to be used in the section of the contract. For example those used for the calculation of penalties or bonuses.
M(1) : FormulaA segment group defining a formula, such as a price variation formula.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment specifying additional information about the formula, such as its degree of complexity.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying any monetary amounts associated with the formula. For example minimum and maximum ceiling amounts.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment specifying the reference information in relation to the formula, for example the number of an identified ceiling formula.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the formula, such as dates of validity.
C(99) : General indicatorA segment specifying general processing information associated with the formula.
A segment group defining each of the elements of a formula.
M(1) : Formula sequenceA segment identifying a specific element of a formula. A sequence number provides the mathematical positioning of the element.
C(99) : Rate detailsA segment specifying, where necessary, static coefficients which are employed in the element of the formula.
C(99) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying, where necessary, static percentages which are employed in the element of the formula.
C(99) : MeasurementsA segment specifying the unit of measure for the element of the formula.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying any amounts required in the element of the formula, such as the basis for the calculation.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment identifying the complementary information in relation to the element of the formula for example the number of the ceiling formula.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date/time related to the element of the formula.
C(99) : General indicatorA segment specifying general processing information in relation with the formula sequence such as indications about the calculation basis.
C(99) : QuantityA segment specifying quantities in relation with the formula sequence.
SG29 C(99) : ALC-ALI-DTM-SG30-SG31-SG32-SG33-SG34-SG35
A group of segments specifying allowances and charges for the whole contract.
M(1) : Allowance or chargeA segment identifying the charge or allowance and, where necessary, its calculation sequence.
C(99) : Additional informationA segment indicating that the allowance or charge specified is subject to special conditions owing to origin, customs preference or commercial factors.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment to identify the date, time or period information related to the allowance or charge, e.g., period of validity.
SG30 C(99) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments identifying the references to the allowances and charges and eventually their associated dates.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment specifying reference information such as the VAT office, sub-contractors, the date or time related to the referenced information.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the referenced information.
SG31 C(99) : QTY-RNG
A group of segments specifying the quantity of the allowance or charge with its measure unit specifier. A range to which the allowance or charge applies may be specified, e.g., an allowance of a free quantity of 20 pieces may be specified if the goods quantity contracted is greater than 1000 pieces.
M(1) : QuantityA segment identifying the type of quantity and the quantity related to the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, the range to which the allowance or charge applies.
SG32 C(99) : PCD-RNG
A group of segments specifying the percentage for the allowance or charge e.g., The allowance/charge amount is calculated as 5% of the goods value or a price reduction of 5% may be specified if the goods quantity contracted is within the range 5 tons to 10 tons.
M(1) : Percentage detailsA segment identifying the percentage and the percentage basis for the calculation of the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, a range for the application of the percentage.
SG33 C(99) : RTE-RNG
A group of segments specifying the rate per unit and basis to which the allowance or charge applies e.g., The allowance or charge amount is 3 DEM (Deutsche Mark) per 10 tons.
M(1) : Rate detailsA segment specifying the rate per unit and the basis for calculation.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, the range for the application of the allowance or charge rate.
SG34 C(99) : MOA-RNG-DTM
A group of segments specifying a monetary amount for an allowance or charge. A range to which the allowance or charge applies can be specified e.g., an allowance of 5000 BEF (Belgian Francs) may be specified if goods value contracted is greater than 100000 BEF (Belgian Francs).
M(1) : Monetary amountA segment identifying the monetary amount for the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment specifying, if required, a range for the application of the allowance or charge amount.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the date or time related to the referenced information.
SG35 C(99) : TAX-MOA
A group of segments specifying tax related information for the allowance or charge.
M(1) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment specifying the tax type, category and rate, or exemption, related to the allowance or charge.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment specifying the tax amount for the allowance or charge.
A group of segments identifying the relevant pricing information for the information identified.
M(1) : Price detailsA segment to specify the price type and amount.
C(99) : Additional price informationA segment to identify pricing information such as a price multiplier, the class or type of trade and additionally identifying the reason for any changes.
C(99) : Range detailsA segment to identify the ranges (quantity, amount, etc) to which the additional price information applies.
C(99) : CurrenciesA segment to allow to specify the currency of the price.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment to identify the date/time/period information related to the price change e.g., period of validity.
SG37 C(99) : TOD-LOC
SG38 C(99) : PAC-MEA-SG39
A group of segments identifying the packaging, physical dimensions and marks and numbers for goods referenced.
M(1) : PackageA segment specifying the number and type of packages e.g., number and type of pallets.
C(99) : MeasurementsA segment specifying physical measurements of packages being described e.g., package length, weight.
A group of segments specifying the markings and labels on individual physical units.
M(1) : Package identificationA segment specifying markings and labels used on individual physical units (packages).
C(99) : ReferenceA segment identifying the master label number.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the dates relevant to the package markings.
C(99) : Goods identity numberA segment identifying the number or ranges of numbers for use with the package markings.
A group of segments providing information about the parties involved in the level of information being described. For example parties responsible for the part of the contract being described.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment identifying the party involved in the item being described.
C(99) : General indicatorA segment providing general processing information associated with the party. For example, their type of creditor.
C(99) : Financial institution informationA segment providing the financial institution identification for the party, e.g., its bank account.
C(99) : Monetary amountA segment providing monetary amount in relation with the party. For example the instalment amount.
C(99) : Duty/tax/fee detailsA segment indicating tax information in relation to the party.
C(99) : ReferenceA segment providing reference information in relation to the party. For example the catalog number.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 99 ALI, Additional information C 99 AGR, Agreement identification C 99 MOA, Monetary amount C 99 GIS, General indicator C 99 PAI, Payment instructions C 99 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport C 99 FTX, Free text C 99 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ PRI, Price details M 1 | RNG, Range details C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ QTY, Quantity M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ DOC, Document/message details M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | RFF, Reference C 99 | FTX, Free text C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ CUX, Currencies M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ TAX, Duty/tax/fee details M 1 | MOA, Monetary amount C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 99 -------+ PAT, Payment terms basis M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | PCD, Percentage details C 99 | MOA, Monetary amount C 99 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- M 99 -------+ SEQ, Sequence details M 1 | NAD, Name and address M 1 | GIS, General indicator C 99 | FII, Financial institution information C 9 | FTX, Free text C 99 | | --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 99 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| REL, Relationship M 1 || NAD, Name and address C 99 || RFF, Reference C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ M 99 -------+ ALC, Allowance or charge M 1 | ALI, Additional information C 99 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | | --- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 14 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| QTY, Quantity M 1 || RNG, Range details C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 15 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| PCD, Percentage details M 1 || RNG, Range details C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 16 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| RTE, Rate details M 1 || RNG, Range details C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 17 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 || RNG, Range details C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 18 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| TAX, Duty/tax/fee details M 1 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 19 ------------------------ C 99 -------+ FOR, Formula M 1 | GIS, General indicator C 99 | ALI, Additional information C 99 | RFF, Reference C 99 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | | --- Segment Group 20 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| FSQ, Formula sequence M 1 || RTE, Rate details C 99 || PCD, Percentage details C 99 || MEA, Measurements C 99 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || RFF, Reference C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || || --- Segment Group 21 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| IND, Index details M 1 ||| ALI, Additional information C 99 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 99 ||| QTY, Quantity C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++ --- Segment Group 22 ------------------------ C 99 -------+ LIN, Line item M 1 | PIA, Additional product id C 99 | IMD, Item description C 99 | MOA, Monetary amount C 99 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | FTX, Free text C 99 | | --- Segment Group 23 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 24 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| TAX, Duty/tax/fee details M 1 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 25 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| GIS, General indicator M 1 || RTE, Rate details C 99 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || TAX, Duty/tax/fee details C 99 || PCD, Percentage details C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 26 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| QTY, Quantity M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 27 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| FOR, Formula M 1 || ALI, Additional information C 99 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || RFF, Reference C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || GIS, General indicator C 99 || || --- Segment Group 28 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| FSQ, Formula sequence M 1 ||| RTE, Rate details C 99 ||| PCD, Percentage details C 99 ||| MEA, Measurements C 99 ||| MOA, Monetary amount C 99 ||| RFF, Reference C 99 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 99 ||| GIS, General indicator C 99 ||| QTY, Quantity C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------++| | --- Segment Group 29 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| ALC, Allowance or charge M 1 || ALI, Additional information C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || || --- Segment Group 30 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| RFF, Reference M 1 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 31 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| QTY, Quantity M 1 ||| RNG, Range details C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 32 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| PCD, Percentage details M 1 ||| RNG, Range details C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 33 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| RTE, Rate details M 1 ||| RNG, Range details C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 34 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 ||| RNG, Range details C 99 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 35 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| TAX, Duty/tax/fee details M 1 ||| MOA, Monetary amount C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------++| | --- Segment Group 36 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| PRI, Price details M 1 || APR, Additional price information C 99 || RNG, Range details C 99 || CUX, Currencies C 99 || DTM, Date/time/period C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 37 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| TOD, Terms of delivery or transport M 1 || LOC, Place/location identification C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 38 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| PAC, Package M 1 || MEA, Measurements C 99 || || --- Segment Group 39 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| PCI, Package identification M 1 ||| RFF, Reference C 99 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 99 ||| GIN, Goods identity number C 99 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------++| | --- Segment Group 40 ------------------------ C 99 ------+| NAD, Name and address M 1 || GIS, General indicator C 99 || FII, Financial institution information C 99 || MOA, Monetary amount C 99 || TAX, Duty/tax/fee details C 99 || RFF, Reference C 99 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ UNT, Message trailer M 1