Service Segments
Segment ISO9735/USC
To convey the public key and the credentials of its owner.
Segment structure
0536 CERTIFICATE REFERENCE C an1..35 S500 SECURITY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS C 0577 Security party qualifier M an1..3 0538 Key name C an1..35 0511 Security party identification C an1..1024 0513 Security party code list qualifier C an1..3 0515 Security party code list responsible agency, coded C an1..3 0586 Security party name C an1..35 0586 Security party name C an1..35 0586 Security party name C an1..35 0545 CERTIFICATE SYNTAX AND VERSION, CODED C an1..3 0505 FILTER FUNCTION, CODED C an1..3 0507 ORIGINAL CHARACTER SET ENCODING, CODED C an1..3 0543 CERTIFICATE ORIGINAL CHARACTER SET REPERTOIRE, CODED C an1..3 0546 USER AUTHORISATION LEVEL C an1..35 S505 SERVICE CHARACTER FOR SIGNATURE C 0551 Service character for signature qualifier M an1..3 0548 Service character for signature M an1..4 S501 SECURITY DATE AND TIME C 0517 Date and time qualifier M an1..3 0338 Event date C n1..8 0314 Event time C an1..15 0336 Time offset C n4..4 0567 SECURITY STATUS, CODED C an1..3 0569 REVOCATION REASON, CODED C an1..3