Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 1229 in D921
Action request/notification, coded (an1..3)
Code specifying the action to be taken.
Code | Description |
1 |
Added This line item is added to the referenced message. |
2 |
Deleted This line item is deleted from the referenced message. |
3 |
Changed This line item is changed in the referenced message. |
4 |
No action This line item is not affected by the actual message. |
5 |
Accepted without amendment This line item is entirely accepted by the seller. |
6 |
Accepted with amendment This line item is accepted but amended by the seller. |
7 |
Not accepted This line item is not accepted by the seller. |
8 |
Schedule only Self explanatory. |
9 |
Amendments Self explanatory. |
10 |
Not found This line item is not found in the referenced message. |
11 |
Not amended This line is not amended by the buyer. |
12 |
Line item numbers changed Self explanatory. |