Qualifier Value
Qualifier values of 7365 in D921
Processing indicator, coded (an1..3)
Identifies the value to be attributed to indicators required by the processing system.
Code | Description |
1 |
Message content accepted Content of message is accepted. |
2 |
Message content rejected with comment Content of message is rejected, with comment. |
3 |
Message content rejected without comment Content of message is rejected, without comment. |
4 |
Goods released Specified goods have been released from Customs control. |
5 |
Goods required for examination Specified goods are required for examination. |
6 |
All documents or as specified to be produced All document, or documents as specified, to be produced. |
7 |
Goods detained Specified goods are detained. |
8 |
Goods may move under Customs transfer Specified goods may move under Customs transfer. |
9 |
Declaration accepted awaiting goods arrival Goods declaration is accepted, awaiting goods arrival. |
10 |
Declaration requested Goods declaration is requested. |
11 |
Pre-entry information Information for pre-entry of a goods declaration. |
14 |
Error message Message conveys information on an error. |
15 |
Response after correction, correction approved Response after correction; correction has been approved. |
16 |
Response after correction, correction non approved Response after correction; correction has not been approved. |
17 |
Message received Message has been received. |
18 |
Request for clearance Request for clearance of the goods. |
19 |
Bulk goods Goods are in bulk. |
20 |
Cash payment deferred Commercial transaction will be paid by cash within a prescribed time frame. |
21 |
Unsolicited text Text is not solicited. |
22 |
Export Goods are being taken out of the Customs territory. |
23 |
Import Goods are being taken into a Customs territory. |
24 |
Transit Goods are transported under Customs control from one Customs office to another. |
25 |
Prohibited/restricted goods Goods are prohibited or restricted from import, export or transit by authority of Customs or another authority. |
26 |
Container quarantine (4412) Specification of the status of the goods and of the transport equipment (container) and any packaging/dunnage with respect to quarantine restrictions. |
27 |
Onward carriage: immediate export Movement type indicator: goods are being immediately taken out of the Customs territory. |
28 |
Transhipment Goods are / are not to be transhipped at place of discharge/transhipment place. |
29 |
Onward carriage: inland clearance Movement type indicator: goods are to move under Customs control to a Customs office where Customs formalities will be completed. |
36 |
Changed information Processing of information to note that only changes to existing data are transmitted. |
37 |
Complete information Processing of information to note that complete data details (not just changes) are transmitted. |
Mutually defined Mutually defined indicator. |