
Message D921/BANSTA

Banking Status Message

A BANSTA message is sent by the receiver of a previously sent message to report on the status of processing of this original message. It indicates, at the application level, the acceptance or rejection of the message or the ability for the receiver of the message to execute or not the instructions received. Throughout this document the term 'Originator' refers to the sender of the original message to which the BANSTA message is responding; likewise, the term 'Recipient' refers to the sender of the Status message sent in response to the message generated by the 'Originator'.

Message description


M(1) : Message header

A service segment starting and uniquely identifying the message. The message type code for the UN Status message is BANSTA. Note: BANSTA messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 BANSTA 0052 1 0054 921 0051 UN

SG1 M(1) : BGM-DTM

A group of segments for unique identification of the BANSTA message, the date and time, the type of BANSTA message (e.g. response to an original instruction, to a query, etc.) and its function.


M(1) : Beginning of message

A segment identifying the BANSTA message, its type and function.


M(1) : Date/time/period

A segment specifying the date and time of the status message.

SG2 M(2) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments identifying the original message to which the Status message is referring. It may also refer to the query to which this Status information applies. When several queries have been sent, the date/time information identifies the specific query concerned.


M(1) : Reference

A segment identifying a previously sent message and/or query.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date/time of the previously sent message and/or query.


A group of segments identifying the parties involved in the exchange of the message, and their contacts.


M(1) : Name and address A segment identifying the party and

its function.


C(1) : Contact information

A segment identifying a person or department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.


C(5) : Communication contact

A segment providing communication numbers for the party identified in the NAD segment and, optionally, for the contact identified in the associated CTA segment.

SG4 C(99) : SEQ-SG5-SG6

A group of segments identifying the original message and/or part thereof. It indicates the acceptance or rejection of the original message and may provide a means to report on application errors, inconsistencies and queries.


M(1) : Sequence details

A segment referring to the original message. and one or more specific line(s) or partie(s) of the original message.

SG5 M(5) : RFF-DTM

A group of segments identifying the original message or part thereof.


M(1) : Reference

A segment identifying the reference of the original message or part thereof (i.e. LIN, SEQ,...).


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date/time at which the reference was created.

SG6 C(1) : GIS-DTM-SG7

A group of segments indicating the response of the receiving application and if relevant, an error. It can also indicate the purpose of a query.


M(1) : General indicator

A segment indicating if the original message has been accepted or rejected with or without error.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date/time of the status of the processing at a given moment.


A group of segments identifying an error, providing a standard description of this error, and, if relevant, one to many documents related to this error.


M(1) : Application error information

A segment identifying the type of error detected in the original message.


C(5) : Free text

A segment giving additional information to the error or information coded in the ERC segment.


C(5) : Document/message details

A segment to indicate a related document or a request from the recipient of the message, to receive one or more specific document(s).

SG8 C(1) : AUT-DTM

A group of segments specifying the details of authentication.


M(1) : Authentication result

A segment specifying the details of any authentication (validation) procedure applied to the BANSTA message.


C(1) : Date/time/period

A segment identifying the date and if necessary, the time of validation.


M(1) : Message trailer

A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.

Message structure

UNH, Message header                           M        1

--- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- M        1 -------+
BGM, Beginning of message                     M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         M        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- M        2 -------+
RFF, Reference                                M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C        5 -------+
NAD, Name and address  A segment identifying the party and M        1        |
CTA, Contact information                      C        1        |
COM, Communication contact                    C        5        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+

--- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C       99 -------+
SEQ, Sequence details                         M        1        |
--- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- M        5 ------+|
RFF, Reference                                M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
---- ----------------------------------------------------------+|
--- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C        1 ------+|
GIS, General indicator                        M        1       ||
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1       ||
--- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C       99 -----+||
ERC, Application error information            M        1      |||
FTX, Free text                                C        5      |||
DOC, Document/message details                 C        5      |||
---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++

--- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C        1 -------+
AUT, Authentication result                    M        1        |
DTM, Date/time/period                         C        1        |
---- -----------------------------------------------------------+
UNT, Message trailer                          M        1