Message D97A/RECADV
Receiving advice message
This message is to address the business needs related to the goods receipt. This message is used to report the physical receipt of goods. The message allows for the reporting of discrepancies in products, quantities, terms, packages, etc. The message may contain only the information that the received consignment is completely in line with the consignment information given in the Despatch advice message. In case there is no detail to be provided. The message may inform about the discrepancies: - between the received consignment and consignment information given in the Despatch advice message. - between the received goods and the ordered goods in the ORDERS, DELFOR or DELJIT information.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Receiving advice message is RECADV. Note: Receiving advice messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 RECADV 0052 D 0054 97A 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment for unique identification of the Receiving advice message, name and its number.
M(10) : Date/time/periodDate/time/period related to the whole message.
C(5) : Additional informationA segment indicating that the message is subject to special conditions owing to origin or commercial factors.
SG1 C(10) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references where necessary, dates relating to the whole message, e.g. despatch advice, contract number.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment for referencing documents relating to the whole Receiving advice message, e.g. despatch advice, purchase orders, delivery instructions. If the RECADV refers to a prior message, this message has to be referenced.
C(1) : Date/time/periodDate or date and time as applied to the referred document.
SG2 C(10) : DOC-SG3
A group of segments identifying the discrepancies with the documentary requirements relating to the whole consignment.
M(1) : Document/message detailsA segment identifying documents where a discrepancy occurs.
SG3 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical or logical state of the document upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the logical state of the document upon receipt, e.g. required document not received or incorrect.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions to correct the discrepancy reflected by CDI segment, e.g. send again.
SG4 M(10) : NAD-LOC-SG5-SG6
A group of segments identifying names, addresses and locations, relevant to the whole Receiving advice.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment for identifying names and addresses and their functions relevant for the whole Receiving advice. Identification of at least the recipient of the goods is mandatory. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified.
C(10) : Place/location identificationA segment indicating more details regarding specific places or locations related to the party specified in the NAD segment, e.g. internal site and, or building number.
SG5 C(10) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments giving references only relevant to the specified party rather than the whole message.
M(1) : ReferenceA segment for referencing documents relating to the party specified by the NAD segment.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment for date or date and time as related to the referred document.
SG6 C(10) : CTA-COM
A group of segments giving contact details of the specific person or department within the party identified in the NAD segment.
M(1) : Contact informationA segment to identify person, function, department to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment to identify communication types and numbers for person, function, department identified in CTA.
SG7 C(10) : TOD-SG8-SG9
A group of segments to report on discrepancies on terms of deliveries.
M(1) : Terms of delivery or transportA segment to indicate the terms of delivery.
SG8 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report on the discrepancy and to give the appropriate instructions, if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report a discrepancy on the terms of delivery upon receipt.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions to correct the discrepancy reflected by CDI segment.
SG10 C(10) : TDT-DTM-CDI
A group of segments specifying details of the mode and means of transport, the date or date and time of arrival, if a discrepancy has occurred or if required by the recipient of the message for further identification.
M(1) : Details of transportA segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport of the goods arrived.
C(10) : Date/time/periodA segment giving the date or date and time information of the identified means of transport.
C(10) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the state of the mode and means of transport.
SG11 C(9999) : EQD-SG12-SG13-SG14
A group of segments identifying equipment with which a problem has occurred or if required by the recipient of the message for further identification.
M(1) : Equipment detailsA segment to identify the specific equipment item.
SG12 C(10) : CDI-INP
A segment group to report on the physical state of the identified equipment upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the equipment upon receipt, e.g. damaged, missing.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions , e.g. pick up.
SG13 C(25) : SEL-CDI
SG14 C(10) : EQA-SG15
A group of segments identifying attached equipment with which a problem has occurred or if required by the recipient of the message for further identification.
M(1) : Attached equipmentA segment identifying equipment attached to the equipment identified in the EQD segment.
SG15 C(10) : CDI-INP
A segment group to report the physical state of the identified attached equipment upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the attached equipment upon receipt, e.g. damaged, missing.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instruction, e.g. pick up.
SG16 C(9999) : CPS-SG17-SG22
A group of segments providing details of all packages and/or individual items as received. This segment group provides the capability to give the top-down hierarchical relationship of the package levels.
M(1) : Consignment packing sequenceA segment identifying the sequence in which packing of the consignment is presented, e.g. a pallet loaded with boxes.
SG17 C(9999) : PAC-QVR-SG18
A group of segments identifying packaging, quantities and marks and numbers.
M(1) : PackageA segment specifying the number and type of packages or physical units and the physical type of packaging of the arrived goods.
C(1) : Quantity variancesA segment identifying quantity variances between the number of units received (as specified in the PAC segment) and the number of units expected or planned.
SG18 C(999) : PCI-RFF-SG19-SG20
A group of segments specifying markings and labels and, if required, related anomalies.
M(1) : Package identificationA segment specifying markings and labels used on individual physical units (packages) described in the PAC segment.
C(1) : ReferenceA segment for referencing the package identification, e.g. master local number.
SG19 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the package upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the related package, e.g. damaged, missing.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. replace.
SG20 C(999) : GIN-SG21
A group of segments giving package identification numbers and if required the related anomalies.
M(1) : Goods identity numberA segment providing identity numbers applied to packages being received or missing.
SG21 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the identified package upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the identified package upon receipt, e.g. damaged, missing.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. replace.
A group of segments providing details of the product or service received.
M(1) : Line itemA segment identifying the product or service received.
C(10) : Additional product idA segment providing additional product or service identification.
C(25) : Item descriptionA segment describing the product or service received. This segment should be used for a product or service that cannot be identified by a product code or article number.
C(10) : QuantityA segment to give quantity information about the product specified in the LIN, PIA or IMD segment.
C(10) : Quantity variancesA segment identifying quantity variances between quantity per item and quantity per item expected or planned.
C(5) : Date/time/periodA segment providing date or date and time information relevant for the delivery of product.
C(1) : Price detailsA segment to provide price information related to the current line item.
SG23 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the product given in the LIN or IMD segment upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the product upon receipt e.g. wrong colour.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. replace.
SG24 C(10) : DOC-SG25
A group of segments identifying the discrepancies with the documentary requirements relating to line item.
M(1) : Document/message detailsA segment identifying documents where a discrepancy occurs.
SG25 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical or logical state of the document upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical or logical state of the document upon receipt, e.g. required documents not received or incorrect.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. send again.
SG26 C(99) : GIN-SG27
A group of segments giving goods identification numbers and if required the related anomalies.
M(1) : Goods identity numberA segment providing identity numbers of goods being received or missing.
SG27 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the identified goods at receipt and to give the appropriate instructions, if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the receiving conditions for the identified goods, e.g. missing, damaged.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions , e.g. replace.
SG28 C(10) : RFF-DTM
SG29 C(9999) : PCI-QTY-QVR-SG30-SG31
A group of segments identifying one specific package or a number of packages, the marks and numbers, quantities and receiving conditions.
M(1) : Package identificationA segment specifying marking and labels used on identified package(s).
C(1) : QuantityA segment to specify the quantity per package.
C(1) : Quantity variancesA segment identifying quantity variances between quantity per package received and quantity per package expected or planned.
SG30 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the package upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions, if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the package, e.g. missing, damaged.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. replace.
SG31 C(10) : GIN-SG32
A group of segments giving package identification numbers and if required the related anomalies.
M(1) : Goods identity numberA segment providing identity numbers of packages received or missing.
SG32 C(10) : CDI-INP
A group of segments to report the physical state of the identified packages upon receipt and to give the appropriate instructions, if needed.
M(1) : Physical or logical stateA segment to report the physical state of the identified packages , e.g. missing, damaged.
C(5) : Parties to instructionA segment to give instructions, e.g. replace.
C(1) : Control totalA segment by which control total may be provided by sender for checking by the receiver.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 10 ALI, Additional information C 5 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 10 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 10 -------+ DOC, Document/message details M 1 | | --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 10 ------+| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 || INP, Parties to instruction C 5 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- M 10 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | LOC, Place/location identification C 10 | | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 10 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 10 ------+| CTA, Contact information M 1 || COM, Communication contact C 5 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 10 -------+ TOD, Terms of delivery or transport M 1 | | --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 10 ------+| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 || INP, Parties to instruction C 5 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 10 ------+| LOC, Place/location identification M 1 || CDI, Physical or logical state C 10 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 10 ------------------------ C 10 -------+ TDT, Details of transport M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 10 | CDI, Physical or logical state C 10 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 11 ------------------------ C 9999 -------+ EQD, Equipment details M 1 | | --- Segment Group 12 ------------------------ C 10 ------+| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 || INP, Parties to instruction C 5 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 13 ------------------------ C 25 ------+| SEL, Seal number M 1 || CDI, Physical or logical state M 10 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 14 ------------------------ C 10 ------+| EQA, Attached equipment M 1 || || --- Segment Group 15 ------------------------ C 10 -----+|| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 ||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+++ --- Segment Group 16 ------------------------ C 9999 -------+ CPS, Consignment packing sequence M 1 | | --- Segment Group 17 ------------------------ C 9999 ------+| PAC, Package M 1 || QVR, Quantity variances C 1 || || --- Segment Group 18 ------------------------ C 999 -----+|| PCI, Package identification M 1 ||| RFF, Reference C 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 19 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 |||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------+||| ||| --- Segment Group 20 ------------------------ C 999 ----+||| GIN, Goods identity number M 1 |||| |||| --- Segment Group 21 ------------------------ C 10 ---+|||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 ||||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 ||||| ---- -------------------------------------------------------++++| | --- Segment Group 22 ------------------------ C 9999 ------+| LIN, Line item M 1 || PIA, Additional product id C 10 || IMD, Item description C 25 || QTY, Quantity C 10 || QVR, Quantity variances C 10 || DTM, Date/time/period C 5 || PRI, Price details C 1 || || --- Segment Group 23 ------------------------ C 10 -----+|| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 ||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 24 ------------------------ C 10 -----+|| DOC, Document/message details M 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 25 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 |||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------++|| || --- Segment Group 26 ------------------------ C 99 -----+|| GIN, Goods identity number M 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 27 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 |||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------++|| || --- Segment Group 28 ------------------------ C 10 -----+|| RFF, Reference M 1 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 1 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 29 ------------------------ C 9999 -----+|| PCI, Package identification M 1 ||| QTY, Quantity C 1 ||| QVR, Quantity variances C 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 30 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 |||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------+||| ||| --- Segment Group 31 ------------------------ C 10 ----+||| GIN, Goods identity number M 1 |||| |||| --- Segment Group 32 ------------------------ C 10 ---+|||| CDI, Physical or logical state M 1 ||||| INP, Parties to instruction C 5 ||||| ---- -------------------------------------------------------+++++ CNT, Control total C 1 UNT, Message trailer M 1