Message D97B/BOPINF
Balance of payment information from customer message
Message sent by a payee to its bank on receipt of one specified amount as a settlement of a transaction with a non-resident. The Balance of Payment (BOP) compiler has to be informed of the transaction via the payee's bank.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Balance of payment information from customer message is BOPINF. Note: Balance of payment information from customer messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 BOPINF 0052 D 0054 97B 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageA segment to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit its identifying number.
M(3) : Date/time/periodA segment to specify the date and, when required, the time at which the message has been created as well as specification of other process dates.
SG1 C(2) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments to give the identification of the reporting agent (generally the enterprise) or, possibly with a second occurrence, the identification of the enterprise on behalf of which the declaration is made.
M(1) : Name and addressA segment to identify the resident party.
C(1) : Contact informationA segment to identify a person or a department for the party specified in the NAD segment and to whom communication should be directed.
C(5) : Communication contactA segment to give a communication number for the party identified in the NAD segment.
SG3 C(999) : LIN-SG4-SG5
A group of segments to accommodate the details corresponding with one credit advice received during the relevant period.
M(1) : Line itemA segment identifying the report line item by a current line number.
SG4 C(1) : RFF-DTM
A group of segments to give references and dates of the corresponding CREADV message (to be extracted from the CREADV message header).
M(1) : ReferenceA segment to give the serial number of the received CREADV message.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment to give the day, month & year of the CREADV message.
A group of segments to give the nature of the transaction, the amount and geographical detail. If the payment relates to different transactions or consists of composite payments each transaction has to be specified by its nature, its amount and, if necessary its geographical detail.
M(1) : Requirements and conditionsA segment to give the nature of each transaction.
C(10) : Free textA segment to give information in clear and free form about the nature of each transaction.
C(1) : Monetary amountA segment to give the amount and the currency of each transaction.
C(4) : Place/location identificationA segment to indicate one of the different countries involved in each transaction.
SG6 C(1) : AUT-DTM
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 3 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- C 2 -------+ RFF, Reference M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- M 2 -------+ NAD, Name and address M 1 | CTA, Contact information C 1 | COM, Communication contact C 5 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 999 -------+ LIN, Line item M 1 | | --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 1 ------+| RFF, Reference M 1 || DTM, Date/time/period C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- M 10 ------+| RCS, Requirements and conditions M 1 || FTX, Free text C 10 || MOA, Monetary amount C 1 || LOC, Place/location identification C 4 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------++ --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 1 -------+ AUT, Authentication result M 1 | DTM, Date/time/period C 1 | ---- -----------------------------------------------------------+ UNT, Message trailer M 1