Message D97B/LREACT
Life reinsurance activity message
The LREACT message is used by companies to exchange insured and policy coverage detail for reinsurance purposes. The message will be used for both ceded and assumed reinsurance. The trading partners utilizing the Life reinsurance activity message will be direct companies, reinsurance companies, reinsurance intermediaries and retrocessionaires. The message will be used to transmit data required by ceding and assuming companies to maintain the records on reinsured cessions. This data supports the reinsurer's ability to appropriately account for, manage, study, value (reserve) and complete their financial reporting. It also facilitates the reconciliation of the reinsurance records in order to maintain the integrity of the data between the trading partners.
Message description
M(1) : Message headerA service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Life reinsurance activity message is LREACT. Note: Life reinsurance activity messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 LREACT 0052 D 0054 97B 0051 UN
M(1) : Beginning of messageThis segment specifies a message code which indicates whether this message contains policy status information, policy activity information or both.
M(1) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the reporting period ending date.
C(1) : CurrenciesA segment identifying the default currency and its scaling factor for monetary amounts in this message.
C(9) : Contact informationA segment identifying a person(s) or department(s), and their function(s), to whom communications should be directed.
C(1) : Free textA segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed but cannot be accommodated within other segments. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.
A group of segments containing policy , insured, coverage or relationship data. Depending on the contents of this parent segment group, the segment group can also contain a policy segment group, insured segment group or coverage segment group.
M(1) : General indicatorThis indicator specifies a code which indicates whether this group is a policy, insured, coverage or relationship group.
M(9) : ReferenceA segment identifying references conditional upon the general indicator above: - for a policy group: the policy number and case identifier. - for an insured group: a unique number identifying each of the insureds and optionally an original policy number from which a continuation resulted. - for a coverage group: a unique number identifying each of the coverages on a policy, the policy form number, the plan code and the rate band indicator. - for a relationship group: the unique number identifying the insured and the unique number identifying the coverage applied to that insured. This allows insured groups and coverage groups to be related to each other.
C(99) : AttributeA segment providing attributes conditional upon the general indicator above: - for a policy group: the policy activity currently being reported - for an insured group: the insured's gender - for a coverage group: the attributes of the coverage are described.
C(99) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying general dates or durations related to the policy, the insured or the coverage. - for a policy group: the transaction effective date - for an insured group: the insured's birth date and the mortality rating expiry date - for a coverage group: dates associated with the coverage are defined.
C(1) : Free textA segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed but cannot be accommodated within other segments. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.
A group of segments in which is detailed policy information.
M(1) : Item descriptionA segment indicating if the policy is single life or joint life.
M(9) : Place/location identificationA segment giving location information for the place of issue and the owner place of residence.
C(1) : Sequence detailsA segment providing the transaction sequence number. This segment is required when the BGM indicates that the message contains transaction activity.
C(1) : CurrenciesA segment identifying the default currency and its multiplying factor for all monetary amounts in this policy.
C(9) : Party identificationA segment identifying the names of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions relevant to the message. Identification of the direct writing company of this policy and any intermediary, third party administrator, of this policy. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party identification should be specified; e.g. if the direct writer and intermediary names are known to the sender and receiver, then only the coded identification is required.
A group of segments in which is detailed insured information.
M(1) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying the mortality or morbidity rating of the insured. The underwriting table rating assigned to the insured is generally expressed as a percentage where 100% is standard. Any rating scheme, however, can be used with agreement between the sending and receiving companies.
C(1) : Party identificationA segment identifying the name and universal identifier of the insured.
C(1) : Place/location identificationA segment giving the location of the insured's place of residence.
A group of segments in which is detailed coverage information.
M(1) : Insurance cover descriptionA segment giving insurance cover risk type.
M(9) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying the mortality or morbidity rating, the Cost of Living Adjustment benefit for disability income riders and mortgage interest rate associated with mortgage plans.
C(1) : Employment detailsA segment providing the occupation class of the insured for purposes of this coverage as defined by the issuing company (required for disability income coverages).
C(9) : Agreement identificationThis segment will be used to provide both the reinsurer's and the cedent's treaty identification for this coverage.
C(1) : Place/location identificationThis segment identifies the insured's place of residence for this coverage.
SG5 C(99) : MOA-ARD
A group of segments which details flat extra premiums associated with this coverage.
M(1) : Rate detailsA segment specifying the rate at which the flat extra premium is calculated per unit.
C(1) : AttributeA segment specifying the basis for calculating the flat extra premium e.g. face or net amount at risk.
C(1) : Date/time/periodA segment specifying the duration for charging the additional flat extra premium.
A group of segments which details the valuations associated with this coverage.
M(1) : Process identificationA segment providing the purpose of the valuation e.g. United States Tax, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, etc.
C(9) : AttributeA segment identifying the standard mortality or morbidity table, the standard function, the standard method and substandard method used in calculating this reserve.
C(1) : Percentage detailsA segment specifying the standard interest rate used in calculating reserves for this coverage.
M(1) : Message trailerA service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.
Message structure
UNH, Message header M 1 BGM, Beginning of message M 1 DTM, Date/time/period M 1 CUX, Currencies C 1 CTA, Contact information C 9 FTX, Free text C 1 --- Segment Group 1 ------------------------- M 999999 -------+ GIS, General indicator M 1 | RFF, Reference M 9 | ATT, Attribute C 99 | DTM, Date/time/period C 99 | FTX, Free text C 1 | | --- Segment Group 2 ------------------------- C 1 ------+| IMD, Item description M 1 || LOC, Place/location identification M 9 || SEQ, Sequence details C 1 || CUX, Currencies C 1 || PNA, Party identification C 9 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 3 ------------------------- C 1 ------+| PCD, Percentage details M 1 || PNA, Party identification C 1 || LOC, Place/location identification C 1 || ---- ----------------------------------------------------------+| | --- Segment Group 4 ------------------------- C 1 ------+| ICD, Insurance cover description M 1 || PCD, Percentage details M 9 || EMP, Employment details C 1 || AGR, Agreement identification C 9 || LOC, Place/location identification C 1 || || --- Segment Group 5 ------------------------- C 99 -----+|| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 ||| ARD, Amounts relationship details M 1 ||| ---- ---------------------------------------------------------+|| || --- Segment Group 6 ------------------------- C 99 -----+|| RTE, Rate details M 1 ||| ATT, Attribute C 1 ||| DTM, Date/time/period C 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 7 ------------------------- C 99 ----+||| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 |||| ARD, Amounts relationship details M 1 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------++|| || --- Segment Group 8 ------------------------- C 99 -----+|| PRC, Process identification M 1 ||| ATT, Attribute C 9 ||| PCD, Percentage details C 1 ||| ||| --- Segment Group 9 ------------------------- C 99 ----+||| MOA, Monetary amount M 1 |||| ARD, Amounts relationship details M 1 |||| ---- --------------------------------------------------------++++ UNT, Message trailer M 1